Walford-info on the Young family (Edith and Frederick Harry) (Urgent)

by Jessica Dutton, Wednesday, October 05, 2022, 14:33 (889 days ago)

Hello from Australia! I am seeking information on my great grandfather Frederick Harry Young 1897-1953 and his mother Edith Young born June or July 1876. My family lived in Walford for many generations and both were born there. I’ve found their baptism records on this forum and some info on Ancestry.com but it is limited so I am hoping someone with local knowledge might know of my family.

Frederick doesn’t have a father listed in his birth or baptism records, and Edith doesn’t appear to have married or had any more children. I believe she went into service in Cheltenham. Unfortunately I can’t find her death certificate but I found a record for an Edith Young that might be her working as a servant at The Limes in Cheltenham when she was in her early 60’s. I’m hoping to find any information on Edith and her family. There is plenty of info on her siblings, but she is a bit of mystery. Many thanks, Jess

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