Harris / Baglin, Coverham Road, Berry Hill (General)

by Nozspill22 @, Sunday, February 26, 2023, 16:14 (745 days ago)

Hello, Could any members be able tell me more about my Great Grandfather?

Mr Alfred Harris of Coverham Road, Berry Hill. I believe he passed away in 1964/65

Alfred was married to May Baglin.
They had 5 children: Pearl, Howard Daniel, Alan, Hayden and Alma Joan (my Grandmother)

Alfred worked at Cannop Colliery as a Coal Hewer. I believe his wife's father and mother were Daniel Baglin & Miriam Hawkins, her Grandparents Were Ephraim Baglin & Edith Hawkins

Unfortunately I don't have any information to provide on Alfred's parents or siblings.Other than Alma, I know very little about his other children.

Sorry there is much to go on, but any information anyone could share, would be very much appreciated

Many thanks


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