Will of Edmund SKIPP 1608 Bishops Frome HER (General)

by slowhands @, proud of his ancient Dean Forest roots, Sunday, March 12, 2023, 10:04 (731 days ago) @ slowhands

Copy, Will of Edmund Skyppe of Bishopps Frome,

To the Cathedral Church of Hereford 3s. 4d.

To the parish Church of Bishopps Frome, 3s. 4d.

To John Skippe his son one standing bedstead with furniture, two bedsteads for servants, one Table board with frame standing in the parlour, three forms, one square table, two little stools, two "broches", one dripping pan and one brass pot, all at Ledbury.

To Alice Skyppe, his daughter, £40 to be paid at or within a year of her marriage.

To Elizabeth Skyppe, his daughter £40 to be paid as above.

To Jane Andrewes, 20s. to be paid within a year of his death.

To Margaret Turner, £5 to be paid as above.

To Dorothy his wife, his lease of the manor of Bishopps Frome for her life, remainder to George Skyppe and his issue, remainder to Thomas Skyppe son of the testator

To Thomas Skyppe his lease of the Dean and "Chamters" portion in the parish of Frome Bishoppe, the "cubbard and deske in my chamber" all his books, a "Wyned" standing bedstead with furniture in the little parlour, one truckle bed and one square table.

To his wife Dorothy if she remain unmarried all his free lands in Ledbury and Eastnor during her life.

The rest of his goods and chattels, his debts, etc. having been discharged to her towards the bringing up of their children.

He appoints Dorothy his wife executrix, she, John Skyppe and George Skyppe his sons to see the bequests fulfilled.

Proved before Gabriel Wallwyne, clerk surrogate, 7th May, 1608.

Date: 14th April 1608

Source National Archives

Ἀριστοτέλης A Gloster & Hereford Boy in the Forest of Dean ><((((*>

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