Tom Clarke PREECE born 1862 Bream (General)

by whispernomore @, Friday, April 07, 2023, 10:46 (705 days ago)

Tom was my great uncle and married Edith Baldwin in 1888, together they had 8 children.
From family tales he was also in a relationship with Ediths sister Harriet(t) Baldwin.
Harriet remained a spinster but also had 7 children possibly, if family stories are true also by Tom.
This would make him not only my great uncle but also my great grandfather.
Sadly all my grandmothers generation are deceased.
I was hoping that maybe someone on this forum may have heard similar tales about him.He is not named on any of the birth certificates of Harriets children.
In fact on my grandmothers marriage certificate she names her grandfather George Baldwin as her father.

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