Thomas JAMES 1796 Blakeney/Awre (General)

by slowhands @, proud of his ancient Dean Forest roots, Monday, April 10, 2023, 16:34 (702 days ago) @ slowhands

Looks like a candidate

Year: 1796
Month: Mar
Day: 27
Parents_Surname: JAMES
Child_Forenames: Thomas
Fathers_Forenames: Philip
Mothers_Forenames: Mary
Mothers_Surname: nee](Marshall Spinster])
Officiating_Minister: Charles Sandiford Vicar & Curate
Event: Baptism
Memoranda: S[on]
Notes: Blakeney Chapel
Register_Reference: P30 1 IN 1 Part 2
Page_Number: 473
Parish_Chapel: Awre

going further back needs much more research as there appear to be several Philip/Mary JAMES in the area at a similar time - so sorting offspring could be very challenging - yet to find a MARSHALL marriage record

Year: 1754
Month: Sep
Day: 21
Grooms_Surname: JAMES
Grooms_Forenames: Phillip:
Groom_Condition: Widower
Brides_Surname: SAUNDERS
Brides_Forenames: Mary
Brides_Condition: spinst[e]r
Licence_or_Banns: Licence
Event: Marriage
Memoranda: [1]Saturday[symbol for] [2]See the other Regist[e]r Book
Register_Reference: P30 1 IN 1 Part 2
Page_Number: 328
Parish_Chapel: Awre

Year: 1767
Month: Sep
Day: 6
Parents_Surname: JAMES
Child_Forenames: Philip
Fathers_Forenames: Philip
Mothers_Forenames: Mary
Officiating_Minister: Jno Sargeaunt Vicar
Event: Baptism
Memoranda: S[on] of
Notes: Blakeney Chapel
Register_Reference: P30 1 IN 1 Part 2
Page_Number: 438
Parish_Chapel: Awre

Year: 1787
Month: Feb
Day: 19
Grooms_Surname: JAMES
Grooms_Forenames: Philip
Groom_Condition: B[achelo]r
Brides_Surname: WANKLYN
Brides_Forenames: Mary
Brides_Condition: Sp[inste]r
Licence_or_Banns: Banns
Officiating_Minister: Charles Sandiford Vicar
Event: Marriage
Notes: BTs Brides surname shown as Wanklin
Register_Reference: P30 1 IN 1 Part 2
Page_Number: 346
Parish_Chapel: Awre

Year: 1787
Month: May
Day: 26
Parents_Surname: JAMES
Child_Forenames: Philip
Fathers_Forenames: Philip
Mothers_Forenames: Mary
Officiating_Minister: Charles Sandiford Vicar & Curate
Event: Baptism
Memoranda: [1]S[on] of [2]b[or]n May 25 priv[atel]y b[aptise]d rec[eive]d into Church June 24
Notes: Blakeney Chapel. BT's show date as Jun 24
Register_Reference: P30 1 IN 1 Part 2
Page_Number: 459
Parish_Chapel: Awre

Ἀριστοτέλης A Gloster & Hereford Boy in the Forest of Dean ><((((*>

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