Cooper Family (Urgent)

by MPGriffiths @, Monday, April 17, 2023, 21:21 (695 days ago) @ Adelebrain2021

Gloucester Journal ::

Saturday 25 July 1925

Whitecroft Man’s Success

Mr Harold Voss, Whitecroft, near Lydbrook, is the winner this year of the chief mining scholarship offered by the Mining Instruction Committee of the Gloucestershire Education Committee.

It is of the value approximating to £300, and consists of two years’ instruction at a leading Colliery and free tuition at a mining Technical College, probably in the North of England.

Mr Voss is a collier working in one of the mines of the Princess Royal Colliery Co.

His brother Reg won the scholarship last year, and fir the last few sessions both have been high up in the advanced class.

Mr Voss attended the Pillowell classes of which the INSTRUCTOR is


In connection with the classes other prizes offered consist of provisions being made for 12 selected students being offered a week’s holiday excursions to an uptodate coalfield and the winners will be announced later.

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