William CARTER born Arlingham about 1641 (Parish Records)

by MPGriffiths @, Monday, July 10, 2023, 17:31 (611 days ago) @ MPGriffiths

Gyles CARTER/ANNE HODGES, Bond on FOD recordds

5 May 1756

GYLES CARTER, Yeoman: Arlingham

Anne HODGES, Spinster: Arlingham

Marriage by: BOND

he signs:

The mark of Mary CARTER of Arlingham
John WHITE a Gentleman of the City of Gloucester

5 May 1756

Gyles CARTER, aged 20 Batchelor: Yeoman, residence: Arlingham
Anne HODGES, aged 21, Spinster, residence: Arlingham

By Licence:
He signs

Marriage Allegation

With consent of the groom's mother, Mary CARTER, who marked.
To marry at Arlingham

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