Future of FODFHT (Announce)

by Jefff @, West London, Middlesex, Thursday, November 02, 2023, 19:49 (496 days ago) @ admin2

Good evening Paul and everyone else,

The unlucky among you may recall I was an active member of this fantastic resource for almost ten years until my personal circumstances suddenly and massively changed in spring of 2019, by coincidence on the very same day as Admin first raised the question of the site's future, so sadly I was unable to contribute to the discussions at that time for which I belatedly apologise.

Despite this, from about 2020 onwards I've been pleased to actively promote this site and it's excellent forum on various social media and history websites, I hope I've helped encouraged a few new visitors to the site. I know other members have done the same.
Over those last few years I've been very pleased to see the site and forum continued to operate and apparently flourish, so I give my sincere thanks to all those involved. I was particularly pleased to see some of the "old" regulars such as Slowhands had returned - I hope "S" and ALL of the site's Admin, contributors, and members have been and still are enjoying good times and good health, especially during the awful covid years.

It remains for me to just say how very pleased I am by this latest announcement that the site's future appears to be assured. I wish you all continued success, and many thanks for all your very hard work behind the scenes and on the forum, I know it's not easy. Also for putting-up with me in the past, and helping me with my amateur efforts at researching local and family history. I'll try to get back into the habit of popping-by occasionally on the forum, but in the meantime thanks again !

Jeff Jones, once of Cinderford but still an exile in West Middlesex.

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