Harry William WILLIAMS born in London about 1894 (Urgent)

by MPGriffiths @, Sunday, December 24, 2023, 10:58 (444 days ago) @ MARTINDWIL

I was born in Swindon, Wiltshire, the home of the GWR.

My husband's friends worked for the GWR, one being a Fireman. Both our families worked there for a number of generations. I did also.

Firstly, men worked in the Engine Sheds (they were known as Grease Monkies) and where they learnt to light the fires etc. etc.

Then they went to work on the Engine footplate as a Fireman.

Can't remember how long it was before they then became an Engine Driver, if that's what they wanted to do.

My husband and his mates quite often hopped a lift in the engine footplate with his pal the Fireman (and even cooked bacon and eggs on the coal shovel).


I have to say, my Great Grandfather worked for the GWR as a boiler maker and the children were born in very many different places inc. London, Swindon, and my Grandad Bristol. Then again my x Grandad went to Chile as a boiler maker and never came back, raising a new family in Chile)!!!! and left his family in Wiltshire.


Through DNA we've made contact with Cousins in Chile and North America (all linked back to my x Grandad)

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