Question concerning the Skipp family (Urgent)

by Jefff @, West London, Middlesex, Thursday, January 04, 2024, 15:39 (433 days ago) @ Michael Stahl

You're very welcome, glad the links have helped. Also glad to know you have a Landie, hopefully you will enjoy visiting the Forest in it, it will enjoy the small but sometimes steep hills and bends of the narrow Forest roads, even though you won't be allowed to take it on some of the more challenging off-road Forest tracks !

Another excellent and free to use website is the FamilySearch one. It gives coverage across the world as well as the UK, so I had a quick look for Charles to see if it gave anything to do with his time in Germany, perhaps. Sadly no it didnt, at least not yet, maybe you can get more luck if you have more time to try ?. But it did give the following marriage records for his children. The bare info should be available from the FreeBMD site, if you wish to build a family tree, but this gives a little more info again.

Name Allan Holbrook
Sex Male
Age 26
Birth Year (Estimated) 1925
Father's Name Harry Holbrook
Father's Sex Male
Spouse's Name Olive Florence Emily Skipp
Spouse's Sex Female
Spouse's Age 25
Spouse's Birth Year (Estimated) 1926
Spouse's Father's Name Charles Victor Skipp
Spouse's Father's Sex Male
Event Type Marriage
Event Date 21 Jul 1951
Event Place Lancashire, England, United Kingdom
Event Place (Original) Lancaster

Name Donald Gerald Charles Skipp
Sex Male
Age 22
Birth Year (Estimated) 1933
Father's Name Charles Victor Skipp
Father's Sex Male
Spouse's Name Joyce Hanley
Spouse's Sex Female
Spouse's Age 23
Spouse's Birth Year (Estimated) 1932
Spouse's Father's Name Ernest Hanley
Spouse's Father's Sex Male
Event Type Marriage
Event Date 28 May 1955
Event Place Manchester, Lancashire, England, United Kingdom
Event Place (Original) Manchester


Using the FreeBMD site we can then search for possible births to these couples, eg :

Surname First name(s) Mother District Vol Page
Births Sep 1959 (>99%)
SKIPP Hilary HANLEY Manchester 10e 358

Sadly we then find this record...

Surname Given Name Age District Volume Page Transcriber
Deaths Sep 1959
SKIPP Hilary 0 Manchester 10e 95 ianguardian


Surname First name(s) Mother District Vol Page
Births Sep 1955 (>99%)
HOLBROOK Nigel SKIPP Barton 10b 326

Barton District is in Lancashire, more specifically Salford/Trafford districts of Greater Manchester.

Which leads to;

Surname First name(s) District Vol Page
Marriages Mar 1978 (>99%)
Holbrook Nigel Roberts Trafford 39 1421
Roberts Gwyneth M Holbrook Trafford 39 1421

If you want to continue searching for any extended family within the UK, this technique might shed further results, but be advised we cannot help you any further on this forum. Also note the FreeBMD site's records do not extend up to current times, probably no more recent than the 1980s or 90s, although much-more recent records of this ilk are available on Ancestry etc, as are electoral registers etc which may give possible residential addresses etc.


Finally Michael, if ok with you I'd like to send you a little more info that may interest you regarding your upcoming visit to the UK, and your Land Rover, so it's a little outside the remit of this forum so perhaps best kept just between us. Please can you contact me by direct email, off the forum, by clicking the envelope icon next to my user name at top of my posts. Please be assured this is purely general chit-chat and nothing to be worried about, and definitely no scam.


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