Melinda DAVIS 1844 Ruardean Woodside (General)

by Mac74, Friday, January 19, 2024, 11:44 (418 days ago) @ slowhands

Thanks again ill make note to mention Fletchers to me Dad ????im goin down load map of Forest today so i can look up said areas woodside , ruardean hill etc as never been to Forest (Yet definately this Year!) so maybe link thru Davis to Davis Gypsies from fod is lookin likely hopefully me Dads memory might get a jog????side note inyeresting to see Romany families working in mines even tho not a Traditional Gypsy trade so many wouldnt ever see a connection ive seen on census Boswells and Hearnes living in camps in notth east 1800s but listed as coal miners which proves like i thought many took regular graft-but still lived the traveller life for a better word
Now at least i can trace Davis family frm Melindas side can anyone recomend any sites that may contain pics of any Masons Davis Fletcher familes from forst or of areas in forest they of stayed by any chance?

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