Marrying at Gloucester Cathedral rather than in the FOD (General)

by Bradley Tingle, Monday, February 19, 2024, 15:59 (387 days ago) @ Jefff

Thanks for your reply, Jeff. As I mentioned, the bride was from Newland and they had a marriage licence to marry in Newland or Gloucester Cathedral. I should have added that the groom was from the Littledean / Flaxley area and he is buried in Littledean. As later generations were freeminers, I suspect that he was as well. The groom was a bachelor aged 30 and I have no idea how old the bride was or her maiden name although I've searched the parish registers to find that answer. His probate refers to him as a yeoman and from his will we learn that he didn't have any children. His will mentions his wife and his brothers and a sister and a precious clock. As the bride and groom didn't live in Gloucester it would have been a trek from the FOD in 1737/8. They were coming back to live in the FOD so I wondered why the two of them would go to Gloucester to get married by licence and thought perhaps they had eloped. Maybe they had a short honeymoon in the big city before returning home to the FOD. I hope so. Donna

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