John Powell/Elizabeth White Ancestors (Urgent)

by mpowell831 @, Chicago, United States, Monday, January 27, 2025, 17:32 (44 days ago)

Hey everyone. Sorry to keep inundating the forum. I used to have more information on John Powell and Elizabeth Whites parents. The Powell side I had less information on, but Elizabeth White's Parents I had at one point as John White and Elizabeth Bendal. Anyone up for helping me continue to go back on the Powell/White lineages? You all have been so helpful and I'd really like to donate to the site at some point. The following information is information I had regarding John Powell and Elizbeth White's may/may not be accurate so we'll see what you all can find.

John Powell born in Crow Hill, Herefordshire
Elizabeth White (1791 birth?)

Parents of Elizabeth?:
John White (1739-1843, these dates seem unlikely? Slimbridge, which I don't believe is in the Forest)
Elizabeth Bendal (1746-1820 also Slimbridge)

I also had surnames Bendal and Workman pop up. I BELIEVE someone from this site provided me with the information a few years back, but when I look back at my postings I can't find any record of it

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