Enoch Baynham (1836- ?) son of James & Elizabeth Baynham (General)

by luddite_jean, Saturday, April 28, 2007, 10:49 (6528 days ago) @ Don Cameron

Hello Don, thanks for the reply. I have no documentary proof, either, just that when I saw this thread, it rang a bell. I know William Luff died between 1834 & 1841 but as this is a side branch to my main tree, I hadn't done much digging. I don't have the details of Amelia's baptism, but her sister Ann (who married Philip, the brother of William Luff) was baptised in 1778 in Bryngwyn, Mon.

Also, as Elizabeth was baptised in 1835 as Hulin, then if my theory is correct, Amelia and ? Hulin must have married prior to 1837, so FreeBMD will not be any help. It doesn't help when Elizabeth's baptism list Amelia as 'spinster'. Perhaps Mr Hulin had died?

The Luffs were very keen on their surname, even down to the 20th century there are a least a dozen girls with Luff as their middle name, which is what made me look at Elizabeth.

I'll let you know if I find any more information.


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