Parish Records log-in being amalgamated (Announce)

by admin ⌂, Forest of Dean, Friday, January 25, 2008, 22:33 (6257 days ago)

There is a new link on the top menu of Message Board titled 'Parish Records'.
When logged-in to the Message Board you can now also search the Parish Records.

In the next few days I will amalgamate the usernames and passwords of both the
Message Board and the Members Area. Once that is done the Members Web site will
no longer exist and access to the Parish Records will only be available by the
Message Board log-in page.

For those of you who have registered for both the Message Board and the Members
Area, your username and password for the Members Area will no longer work once
the transition is completed.

For people who have only registered for the Members Area, your username and
password will be transferred to the Message Board and you will be able to post
messages as well as search the Parish Records without doing anything further.

Items other than the Parish Records which were in the members Area are
being transferred to the Main Web site and will be available to all without

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