Christchurch Memorial Inscriptions (Announce)

by llangrove, Saturday, February 02, 2008, 07:22 (6249 days ago) @ admin

I'd like to extend a big thank you to Valerie and Sue for their hard work in making this list much easier to use! Also, special thanks to FoDFH lister Julie H., who supplied the list in the first place!

I would caution anyone who is intending on going to the graveyard and hoping to use the row letters and numbers. It's not all that easy to do!! When I was there last March, I thought I was well prepared with a burial plot on graph paper. The graves aren't exactly where you think they should be... I told David, maybe the people who originally listed the cemetery stopped at The Globe, first...bless their hearts! Also Beware of Sink Holes!

Seriously, those who took the time, orginally, to list the graves deserve my thanks, also. I found my g-g-grandparents and grand aunts and grand uncle! For that, I'm truely grateful!

Sadly, the gravestones listed as leaning against the church wall are now gone! The stones of my Stephens ancestors were there in 1997, but were missing in 2007.

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