Henry Hurcomb b 1668 Uley (General)

by ChrisW @, Thursday, March 20, 2008, 07:53 (6190 days ago) @ ChrisW

An excerpt from GlosGen Uley Parish Records

The Register of & belonging
to the Parish of Uley, in the
Diocess of Glocest.,concer.
Marriages, Christ '& Bur'
celebrat. there since ye
18th of Nouembr.,
Anno Domj
William de Coll: B: M: Mag:
Heart, Rect'. Uley Ar: M. Quond: D: So:


James, ye sonn of Thomas Dancy, Christd. Novemb. 19th, 1668.

William, ye sonn of John Witchell, Chr. Decer. 5.

Henry, ye sonn of Nicholas Hurcomb, Chr. Decr. 6.

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