Requirements of a Census Enumerator (General)

by unknown, Monday, April 14, 2008, 03:52 (6165 days ago) @ ChrisW

This, if anything, increases my puzzlement. It is much what one would expect in the way of requirements, but I can't square it with what I know of my gg-grandfather. Arthur James Hayes appeared in the Forest in 1838, unemployed; we know he was literate as he signed his marriage cert. (married the youngest daughter of the "Poetess of the Forest" Catherine Drew); he worked in Cinderford Iron Works in fairly lowly capacities (engine man, journeyman refiner, labourer and finally watchman); in 1852 he was twice imprisoned for contempt of court which seems to been conected to non-appearance at court for a debt hearing. He doesn't seem to fit the bill very well! Or would the requirements perhaps have had to be modified to get enough people in areas of high illiteracy?


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