Tallerin HARRIS 1805 ish (General)

by Paul Andrews @, Shropshire, England, Tuesday, April 22, 2008, 10:59 (6157 days ago) @ anthonyworgan

1861 Wales Census RG9/4063; Folio: 56; Page: 1

James Harries - Head - Widr - 35 - Coal Miner - Glostershire Forest of Dean
William Harries - Son - 11 - Scholar - Monmouthshire Pontypool
John Harries - Son - 7 - Scholar - Monmouthshire Pontypool
James Harries - Son - 5 - Scholar - Monmouthshire Pontypool
John Pierce - Lod - Mar - 29 - Coal Miner - Staffordshire Dudley

Free BMD gives 8 possibles for the death of Mary Harri[e]s between 1851 and 1861.

There are two death indexes for Elizabeth Night/Knight who was living next door to Tallerin in 1841 and lodging with him in 1851. They are both 1853 Jan-Feb-Mar Pontypool Volume 11a, one on page 104 and the other on page 117.

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