William Edwards m Susannah Downs 1843 (General)

by ChrisW @, Wednesday, April 23, 2008, 07:40 (6156 days ago) @ paulaedwards

Record_ID: 12626
Entry Number: 281
Year: 1843
Month: Apr
Day: 15
Groom Surname: EDWARDS
Groom Forenames: William
Groom Age at Marriage: of full age
Groom condition: Bachelor
Groom Rank or Profession: Labourer
Groom Residence: Hoggins
Groom Father's Surname: Edwards
Groom Father's Forenames: James
Groom Father's Rank or Profession: Mason
Bride Surname: DOWNS
Bride Forenames: Susanna
Bride Age at Marriage: of full age
Bride Condition: Spinster
Bride Rank or Profession: none stated
Bride Residence: Hoggins
Bride Father's Surname: Downs
Bride Father's Forenames: Richard
Bride Father's Rank or Profession: Labourer
Licence or Banns: Banns
Date of banns:
Signature or Mark: Both sign
Witness 1: Mark of William Downs
Witness 2: Ann Watkins
Other witnesses:
Officiating Minister: H W Sheppard Curate
Event type: Marriage
Transcriber's Notes:
Register Reference: P227 IN 1/12
Page No: 141
Parish_Chapel: Newland
Soundex Groom: E363
Soundex Bride: D520

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