GelliGaer (General)

by jenny field, Wednesday, April 30, 2008, 17:36 (6149 days ago)

Hello I am new to this site so forgive me in advance if I make a " blue "
I am trying to trace the record of the death of my grandmother Jennie Edwards 1st marriage to Godfrey Jones ( my grandfather ) and 2nd Marriage to William Williams. We believe she died in GelliGaer in either a hospital or asylum. She was born in 1882 in Rhayder and is buried in Bargoed. She died in February 1932 when she was still married to William Williams but the marriage was "unhappy " so she could have reverted to either her maiden name or her first hubands' name of Jones. I live in Australia so can't just pop into the various BMD offices and can find no trace on Ancestry or Roots BMD.
Hoping someone can advise me on the best course of action. Thanks Jenny

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