Looking for information on family of William David Christie born about 1829 Perthshire Scotland and his wife Ann. They moved to FOD approx 1853 William was a Forest Keeper. Any help would be much appreciated. Very interested to hear which Forest Lodges he lived at, does anyone know of a list of the keepers at each forest lodge?
Christie, William David
by bertha, Thursday, May 15, 2008, 12:33 (6134 days ago) @ pamclark
1861 England Census - William is listed as living at Herbert Lodge East Dean and is a Gamekeeper
Ann Christie abt 1828 Scotland Wife East Dean, Gloucestershire
Ann Christie abt 1860 East Dean, Gloucestershire, England Daughter East Dean, Gloucestershire
Barbara Christie abt 1859 East Dean, Gloucestershire, England Daughter East Dean, Gloucestershire
James Christie abt 1855 East Dean, Gloucestershire, England Son East Dean, Gloucestershire
Lawrance Christie abt 1857 East Dean, Gloucestershire, England Son East Dean, Gloucestershire
Mary Lawson Christie abt 1855 East Dean, Gloucestershire, England Daughter East Dean, Gloucestershire
William Christie abt 1829 Scotland Head East Dean, Gloucestershire
William Christie abt 1856 East Dean, Gloucestershire, England Son East Dean, Gloucestershire
John Phillips abt 1844 East Dean, Gloucestershire, England Servant East Dean, Gloucestershire
1871 England Census - William is listed as living at Coleford Road East Dean and is a Gamekeeper
Ann Christie abt 1830 Wife Scotland East Dean Gloucestershire England
Ann Christie abt 1861 Daughter East Dean, Gloucestershire, England East Dean Gloucestershire England
Barbara Christie abt 1859 Daughter East Dean, Gloucestershire, England East Dean Gloucestershire
Emily Christie abt 1863 DaughterEast Dean, Gloucestershire, England East Dean
Gloucestershire England
Henry Christie abt 1867 Son East Dean, Gloucestershire, England East Dean Gloucestershire England
John Christie abt 1865 Son East Dean, Gloucestershire, England East Dean Gloucestershire England
Lawrance Christie abt 1857 Son East Dean, Gloucestershire, England East Dean Gloucestershire
Mary Christie abt 1855 Daughter East Dean, Gloucestershire, England East Dean Gloucestershire England
W D Christie abt 1831 Head Scotland East Dean Gloucestershire England
William Christie abt 1856 Son East Dean, Gloucestershire, England East Dean Gloucestershire England
1881 England Census - William is listed as Forest keeper/Woodsman no address
Ann A. Christie abt 1830 Angus, Scotland Wife Westbury On Severn - East Dean, Gloucestershire
Annie D. Christie abt 1861 East Dean, Gloucestershire, England Daughter Westbury On Severn - East Dean, Gloucestershire
Emily M. Christie abt 1863 East Dean, Gloucestershire, England Daughter Westbury On Severn - East Dean, Gloucestershire
Henry O. Christie William abt 1866 East Dean, Gloucestershire, England Son Westbury On Severn - East Dean, Gloucestershire
Herbert S. Christie abt 1869 East Dean, Gloucestershire, England Son Westbury On Severn - East Dean, Gloucestershire
John S. Christie abt 1864 East Dean, Gloucestershire, England Son Westbury On Severn - East Dean, Gloucestershire
Lawrence Christie abt 1858 East Dean, Gloucestershire, England Son Westbury On Severn - East Dean, Gloucestershire
William D. Christie 1830 Perthshire, Scotland Head Westbury On Severn - East Dean, Gloucestershire
1891 England Census - William is listed as Gamekeeper no address
Anne Christie abt 1828 Scotland Wife East Dean, Gloucestershire
Herbert Christie abt 1869 Cinderford, Gloucestershire, England Son East Dean, Gloucestershire
Lawrence Christie abt 1859 Blakeney, Gloucestershire, England Son East Dean, Gloucestershire
Willm David Christie abt 1829 Scotland Head East Dean, Gloucestershire
1901 England Census William is listed as Retired Gamekeeper living at Harry Hill
Ann Christie abt 1827 Scotland Wife East Dean, Gloucestershire
Lawrence Christie abt 1857 Blakeney Hill, Gloucestershire, England Son East Dean, Gloucestershire
William D Christie abt 1829 Scotland Head East Dean, Gloucestershire
Marriage of William and Anns daughter Barbara confirms they were living at Herbert Lodge in 1884
Record_ID: 20900
Entry Number: 9
Year: 1884
Month: Aug
Day: 9
Groom Surname: PICKTHORNE
Groom Forenames: Arthur William
Groom Age at Marriage: full
Groom condition: Bachelor
Groom Rank or Profession: Police Officer
Groom Residence: Shasloke
Groom Father's Surname: Pickthorne
Groom Father's Forenames: Thomas
Groom Father's Rank or Profession: Farmer
Bride Surname: CHRISTIE
Bride Forenames: Barbara Ray
Bride Age at Marriage: full
Bride Condition: Spinster
Bride Rank or Profession: [not stated]
Bride Residence: Herbert Lodge
Bride Father's Surname: Christie
Bride Father's Forenames: William
Bride Father's Rank or Profession: Crown Keeper
Licence or Banns: Banns
Date of banns: [not stated]
Signature or Mark: Both sign
Witness 1: Lawrance Christie
Witness 2: Ann Donaldson Murray
Other witnesses:
Officiating Minister: William Barker Vicar
Event type: Marriage
Transcriber's Notes:
Register Reference: P109 IN 1/8
Page No: 5
Parish_Chapel: Drybrook
Soundex Groom: P236
Soundex Bride: C623
Finding new ways to spell Vaughan every day!
Christie, William David
by bertha, Thursday, May 15, 2008, 13:35 (6134 days ago) @ bertha
Marriage of William and Anns daughter Mary confirms they were at Herbert Lodge in 1895
Record_ID: 21260
Entry Number: 370
Year: 1895
Month: Oct
Day: 5
Groom Surname: PREECE
Groom Forenames: George
Groom Age at Marriage: 43
Groom condition: Widower
Groom Rank or Profession: Colliery Overman
Groom Residence: Ruardean Woodside
Groom Father's Surname: Preece
Groom Father's Forenames: Thomas
Groom Father's Rank or Profession: Labourer deceased
Bride Surname: CHRISTIE
Bride Forenames: Mary Lawson
Bride Age at Marriage: 41
Bride Condition: Spinster
Bride Rank or Profession: [not stated]
Bride Residence: Herbert Lodge
Bride Father's Surname: Christie
Bride Father's Forenames: William
Bride Father's Rank or Profession: Forest Keeper
Licence or Banns: Banns
Date of banns: [not stated]
Signature or Mark: Both sign
Witness 1: Laurence Christie
Witness 2: Emma Christie
Other witnesses:
Officiating Minister: William Barker Vicar
Event type: Marriage
Transcriber's Notes:
Register Reference: P109 IN 1/8
Page No: 185
Parish_Chapel: Drybrook
Soundex Groom: P620
Soundex Bride: C623
Record_ID: 94417
Entry Number: 1338
Year: 1904
Month: Aug
Day: 22
Forenames: William David
Place of Residence: Harry Hill
Age at death: 75 years
Officiating Minister: James Lawton Vicar
Event: Burial
Cause of death:
Register Reference: P109 IN 1/13
Page No: 168
Parish_Chapel: Drybrook
Soundex: C623
Record_ID: 94558
Entry Number: 1479
Year: 1906
Month: Jul
Day: 28
Forenames: Anne
Place of Residence: Harry Hill
Age at death: 77 years
Officiating Minister: James Lawton Vicar
Event: Burial
Cause of death:
Register Reference: P109 IN 1/13
Page No: 185
Parish_Chapel: Drybrook
Soundex: C623
Finding new ways to spell Vaughan every day!
W D CHRISTIE GameKeeper Herberts Lodge, Brierly Hill
by slowhands , proud of his ancient Dean Forest roots, Thursday, May 15, 2008, 12:59 (6134 days ago) @ pamclark
They appear to be living at Herbert(s) Lodge on Ruardean Hill / Brierly.
The house is there today , although much modified.
Photgraphs of building on Page 11 of New Regard Volume 18 ( 2003)
By 1894 Wm Christie is at Staple Edge Lodge ( nr Soudley) - he is photographed on the cover of New Regard Vol 19 (2004), with other Keepers.
1861 Herbert Lodge, Coleford Rd
William Christie abt 1829 Scotland Head East Dean, Gloucestershire Game keeper
Ann Christie abt 1828 Scotland Wife East Dean, Gloucestershire
Ann Christie abt 1860 East Dean, Gloucestershire, England Daughter East Dean, Gloucestershire
Barbara Christie abt 1859 East Dean, Gloucestershire, England Daughter East Dean, Gloucestershire
James Christie abt 1855 East Dean, Gloucestershire, England Son East Dean, Gloucestershire
Lawrance Christie abt 1857 East Dean, Gloucestershire, England Son East Dean, Gloucestershire
Mary Lawson Christie abt 1855 East Dean, Gloucestershire, England Daughter East Dean, Gloucestershire
William Christie abt 1856 East Dean, Gloucestershire, England Son East Dean, Gloucestershire
1871 again Coleford Rd - sense of Census implies Brierly / Ruardean Hill
W D Christie 40 GameKeeper (?)
Ann Christie 41
Ann Christie 10
Barbara Christie 12
Emily Christie 8
Henry Christie 4
Herbert Christie 2
John Christie 6
Lawrance Christie 14
Mary Christie 16
William Christie 15
William D. Christie abt 1830 Perthshire, Scotland Head Westbury On Severn - East Dean, Gloucestershire
Ann A. Christie abt 1830 Angus, Scotland Wife Westbury On Severn - East Dean, Gloucestershire
Lawrence Christie abt 1858 East Dean, Gloucestershire, England Son Westbury On Severn - East Dean, Gloucestershire
Annie D. Christie abt 1861 East Dean, Gloucestershire, England Daughter Westbury On Severn - East Dean, Gloucestershire
Emily M. Christie abt 1863 East Dean, Gloucestershire, England Daughter Westbury On Severn - East Dean, Gloucestershire
John S. Christie abt 1864 East Dean, Gloucestershire, England Son Westbury On Severn - East Dean, Gloucestershire
Henry O. Christie . abt 1866 East Dean, Gloucestershire, England Son Westbury On Severn - East Dean, Gloucestershire
Herbert S. Christie abt 1869 East Dean, Gloucestershire, England Son Westbury On Severn - East Dean,
Willm David Christie abt 1829 Scotland Head East Dean, Gloucestershire
Anne Christie Willm abt 1828 Scotland Wife East Dean, Gloucestershire
Lawrence Christie abt 1859 Blakeney, Gloucestershire, England Son East Dean, Gloucestershire
Herbert Christie abt 1869 Cinderford, Gloucestershire, England Son East Dean, Gloucestershire
William D Christie abt 1829 Scotland Head East Dean, Gloucestershire
Ann Christie abt 1827 Scotland Wife East Dean, Gloucestershire
Lawrence Christie abt 1857 Blakeney Hill, Gloucestershire, England Son East Dean, Gloucestershire
Ἀριστοτέλης A Gloster & Hereford Boy in the Forest of Dean ><((((*>
W D CHRISTIE GameKeeper Herberts Lodge, Brierly Hill
by pamclark , Thursday, May 15, 2008, 20:51 (6134 days ago) @ slowhands
Thank you for that I have some copies of New Regard. The Wm Christie at Staple Edge Lodge is William Davids Son Wm. William David is also in the picture on the right, with long white beard, and is still at Herbert lodge at that time.
There is an article in New Regard No22 page 14 under heading Promotion and movement of Staff - am wondering if either of the William Christie were involved in this "misdemeanour". I have tried to find further information on this but without success.
devil in the detail !
by slowhands , proud of his ancient Dean Forest roots, Thursday, May 15, 2008, 21:01 (6134 days ago) @ pamclark
just goes to show how you can miss detail late at night !! :-)
showing son William's trek around the Forest !
Year: 1877
Month: Sep
Day: 29
Groom Surname: CHRISTIE
Groom Forenames: William
Groom Age at Marriage: 21
Groom condition: Bachelor
Groom Rank or Profession: Crown Woodman
Groom Residence: Herbert Lodge
Groom Father's Surname: Christie
Groom Father's Forenames: William
Groom Father's Rank or Profession: Crown Woodman
Bride Surname: COOPER
Bride Forenames: Elizabeth
Bride Age at Marriage: 19
Bride Condition: Spinster
Bride Rank or Profession: [not stated]
Bride Residence: Hope Mansel
Bride Father's Surname: Cooper
Bride Father's Forenames: William
Bride Father's Rank or Profession: Coal Miner
Licence or Banns: Banns
Date of banns: [not stated]
Signature or Mark: Both Sign
Witness 1: James Miggians Clements
Witness 2: Mary Christie
Other witnesses:
Officiating Minister: William Barker Vicar
Event type: Marriage
Transcriber's Notes:
Register Reference: P109 IN 1/7
Page No: 143
Parish_Chapel: Drybrook
1881 near Herbert Lodge
William Christie abt 1856 East Dean, Gloucestershire, England Head Westbury On Severn - East Dean, Gloucestershire
Elizabeth Christie abt 1860 West Dean, Gloucestershire, England Wife Westbury On Severn - East Dean, Gloucestershire
1891 Stapledge Lodge
William Christie abt 1857 Blakeney, Gloucestershire, England Head East Dean, Gloucestershire
Elizabeth Christie abt 1857 Engliah, Bicknor Wife East Dean, Gloucestershire
Harry E Christie abt 1883 Kensley Lodgo, Gloucestershire, England Son East Dean, Gloucestershire
William L Christie abt 1882 Kensley Lodgo, Gloucestershire, England Son East Dean, Gloucestershire
1901 Stapledge Lodge
William M Christie abt 1856 Blakeney Hill, Gloucestershire, England Head East Dean, Gloucestershire
Elizabeth Christie abt 1858 English Bicknor, Gloucestershire, England Wife East Dean, Gloucestershire
Dorothy Christie abt 1894 Stapledge Lodge, Gloucestershire, England Daughter East Dean, Gloucestershire
Henry E Christie abt 1883 Kensley Lodge, Gloucestershire, England Son East Dean, Gloucestershire
William L Christie abt 1882 Kensley Lodge, Gloucestershire, England Son East Dean, Gloucestershire
Ἀριστοτέλης A Gloster & Hereford Boy in the Forest of Dean ><((((*>
Christie, William David (Last Chance to Read)
by m p griffiths , Saturday, March 09, 2013, 21:51 (4375 days ago) @ pamclark
Last Chance to read
The Police Gazette 27 December 1864
Supposed to have been stolen between the 14th & 16th instant, from an enclosure near Nailbridge, East Dean, a dark brown horse colt, rising £ years, tail cut short to the hock, and burn marked on each hoof with the letters 'W.D.C.' the property of Mr Christie, Herbert's Lodge. If stolen £1 reward will be paid on conviction of the offender or offenders, and all reasonable expenses paid on recovery of the animal. Information to be given to Superintendent White, Police Station, Coleford, Gloucestershire.
Christie, William David (Last Chance to Read)
by pamclark , Saturday, March 09, 2013, 23:18 (4375 days ago) @ m p griffiths
Another interesting entry about my great great grandfather. How did you come across this? Is William David a relative of yours? If so I would be interested to hear from you - do get in touch.
Christie, William David (Last Chance to Read)
by m p griffiths , Sunday, March 10, 2013, 07:19 (4374 days ago) @ pamclark
No relative - just thought members of the forum may find the website useful and just searched the word Nailbridge on 'Last Chance to read; (there are 460 hits for 'Christie') - from all over the Country. Found it interesting how Christie branded his horse - Was just experimenting with Forest of Dean names e.g. Cinderford, Blakeney - and appeared to get various hits.
('Rootsweb Gloucestershire February 2013) - entry by Richard Heaton
There is a project - 'Historic Welsh Newspapers & Journals Digitisation project - which my understanding is - will be a free resource ... http://www.llgc.org.uk/index.php?id=4723
While most of the titles are printed in Wales there are a few notable English Newspapers as well
In particular ...
Hereford Time - 1832 - 1886
Salopian Journal - 1794 - 1872 (a very interesting Shropshire newspaper
Shrewsbury Journal - 1816 - 1850
Gloucester Journal - 1814 -1824
..... and am working through my 18th century Gloucester Journals (largely bound from 1765) and all my Gloucester Heralds are already on line'
CHRISTIE, William David 1880s
by gbatkinson_1, Monday, November 23, 2009, 10:29 (5577 days ago) @ pamclark
Hi from Australia.
This is a longshot but I am trying to trace a William Christie who was a stable boy at Newark House, Hempsted in 1900/01. Google maps shows that Hempsted is about 14 miles from East Dean. The forum shows a William L Christie born abt 1882 Kensley Lodge, East Dean,Gloucestershire. UK immigration records also show a CHRISTIE Wm Born 1882 emigrated in 1923 from Glasgow to Canada (Quebec).
William joined the Dragoon Guards during WW1 and following that emigrated to Canada and joined the Royal Canadian Mounted Police. I think the 3rd Prince of Wales Dragoon Guards amalgamated with the Scottish 3rd carbiniers in 1922 and as the family had gone to FOD from Scotland, it may be the same person. He was the only William Christie that I could find in Gloucestershire about the right time and age and who had emigrated to Canada.
Any assistance appreciated.
CHRISTIE, William David 1880s
by pamclark , Monday, November 23, 2009, 22:45 (5577 days ago) @ gbatkinson_1
The William Christie born 1882 Kensley Lodge is definately not the William Christie who emigrated in 1923 from Glasgow.
Could the William Christie you are looking for possibly be William Christie born 1883 Bristol, Gloucesteshire who on the 1901 census was living at Oakdene, Raleigh Road, Bristol, Gloucestershire with his widowed mother Sarah Christie and his two sisters?
CHRISTIE, William David 1880s
by gbatkinson_1, Monday, November 23, 2009, 22:58 (5577 days ago) @ pamclark
Thanks Pam.
I came to the same conclusion after studying the Parish records. As the reply "devil in the detail" above says " just goes to show how you can miss detail late at night !! :-)"
I will now follow up the line you suggest.
Many thanks for your reply