Christie, William David (General)

by bertha, Thursday, May 15, 2008, 12:33 (6134 days ago) @ pamclark

1861 England Census - William is listed as living at Herbert Lodge East Dean and is a Gamekeeper

Ann Christie abt 1828 Scotland Wife East Dean, Gloucestershire
Ann Christie abt 1860 East Dean, Gloucestershire, England Daughter East Dean, Gloucestershire
Barbara Christie abt 1859 East Dean, Gloucestershire, England Daughter East Dean, Gloucestershire
James Christie abt 1855 East Dean, Gloucestershire, England Son East Dean, Gloucestershire
Lawrance Christie abt 1857 East Dean, Gloucestershire, England Son East Dean, Gloucestershire
Mary Lawson Christie abt 1855 East Dean, Gloucestershire, England Daughter East Dean, Gloucestershire
William Christie abt 1829 Scotland Head East Dean, Gloucestershire
William Christie abt 1856 East Dean, Gloucestershire, England Son East Dean, Gloucestershire
John Phillips abt 1844 East Dean, Gloucestershire, England Servant East Dean, Gloucestershire

1871 England Census - William is listed as living at Coleford Road East Dean and is a Gamekeeper

Ann Christie abt 1830 Wife Scotland East Dean Gloucestershire England
Ann Christie abt 1861 Daughter East Dean, Gloucestershire, England East Dean Gloucestershire England
Barbara Christie abt 1859 Daughter East Dean, Gloucestershire, England East Dean Gloucestershire
Emily Christie abt 1863 DaughterEast Dean, Gloucestershire, England East Dean
Gloucestershire England
Henry Christie abt 1867 Son East Dean, Gloucestershire, England East Dean Gloucestershire England
John Christie abt 1865 Son East Dean, Gloucestershire, England East Dean Gloucestershire England
Lawrance Christie abt 1857 Son East Dean, Gloucestershire, England East Dean Gloucestershire
Mary Christie abt 1855 Daughter East Dean, Gloucestershire, England East Dean Gloucestershire England
W D Christie abt 1831 Head Scotland East Dean Gloucestershire England
William Christie abt 1856 Son East Dean, Gloucestershire, England East Dean Gloucestershire England

1881 England Census - William is listed as Forest keeper/Woodsman no address
Ann A. Christie abt 1830 Angus, Scotland Wife Westbury On Severn - East Dean, Gloucestershire
Annie D. Christie abt 1861 East Dean, Gloucestershire, England Daughter Westbury On Severn - East Dean, Gloucestershire
Emily M. Christie abt 1863 East Dean, Gloucestershire, England Daughter Westbury On Severn - East Dean, Gloucestershire
Henry O. Christie William abt 1866 East Dean, Gloucestershire, England Son Westbury On Severn - East Dean, Gloucestershire
Herbert S. Christie abt 1869 East Dean, Gloucestershire, England Son Westbury On Severn - East Dean, Gloucestershire
John S. Christie abt 1864 East Dean, Gloucestershire, England Son Westbury On Severn - East Dean, Gloucestershire
Lawrence Christie abt 1858 East Dean, Gloucestershire, England Son Westbury On Severn - East Dean, Gloucestershire
William D. Christie 1830 Perthshire, Scotland Head Westbury On Severn - East Dean, Gloucestershire

1891 England Census - William is listed as Gamekeeper no address
Anne Christie abt 1828 Scotland Wife East Dean, Gloucestershire
Herbert Christie abt 1869 Cinderford, Gloucestershire, England Son East Dean, Gloucestershire
Lawrence Christie abt 1859 Blakeney, Gloucestershire, England Son East Dean, Gloucestershire
Willm David Christie abt 1829 Scotland Head East Dean, Gloucestershire

1901 England Census William is listed as Retired Gamekeeper living at Harry Hill

Ann Christie abt 1827 Scotland Wife East Dean, Gloucestershire
Lawrence Christie abt 1857 Blakeney Hill, Gloucestershire, England Son East Dean, Gloucestershire
William D Christie abt 1829 Scotland Head East Dean, Gloucestershire

Marriage of William and Anns daughter Barbara confirms they were living at Herbert Lodge in 1884
Record_ID: 20900
Entry Number: 9
Year: 1884
Month: Aug
Day: 9
Groom Surname: PICKTHORNE
Groom Forenames: Arthur William
Groom Age at Marriage: full
Groom condition: Bachelor
Groom Rank or Profession: Police Officer
Groom Residence: Shasloke
Groom Father's Surname: Pickthorne
Groom Father's Forenames: Thomas
Groom Father's Rank or Profession: Farmer
Bride Surname: CHRISTIE
Bride Forenames: Barbara Ray
Bride Age at Marriage: full
Bride Condition: Spinster
Bride Rank or Profession: [not stated]
Bride Residence: Herbert Lodge
Bride Father's Surname: Christie
Bride Father's Forenames: William
Bride Father's Rank or Profession: Crown Keeper
Licence or Banns: Banns
Date of banns: [not stated]
Signature or Mark: Both sign
Witness 1: Lawrance Christie
Witness 2: Ann Donaldson Murray
Other witnesses:
Officiating Minister: William Barker Vicar
Event type: Marriage
Transcriber's Notes:
Register Reference: P109 IN 1/8
Page No: 5
Parish_Chapel: Drybrook
Soundex Groom: P236
Soundex Bride: C623

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