William Henry JONES 1861 Whitecroft - Burial (General)

by awoodman, Sunday, May 18, 2008, 09:02 (6131 days ago) @ awoodman

I am a bit confused as to where William Jones got his money from. Family legend has it that he was the richest person in Tewkesbury and that he was the first prson to own a certain type of car in Tewkesbury (Rolls Royce or a similar expensive brand, no one is entirely sure anymore). If he was only a collier as the records state then where did all this money come from? My Uncle says that he turned ordinary furniture items into antiques and sold them in America for a lot of money but if this is the case then how did he go from being a collier to an antique maker? If anyone has any suggestions I would be very interested to hear them as William featuers in many family legends.

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