Marriage of Thomas YEMM & Eliza MEEK 1866 (General)

by jimashton @, Friday, June 06, 2008, 06:08 (6112 days ago) @ jonesie

Sorry to be a bit late responding, but I have been away and a little busy.
I am trying to catch up with entries since I went away to Australia on 5th March. My main interest is the Marfell family and of course Timothy Yemm's mother was Rebecca Marfell. I didn't know of the children of Thomas and am grateful to Chris W for that.
Timothy did indeed emigrate to Illinois :

1880 Census 11.6.1880 Cuba, Fulton County, Illinois, USA

Yemm Timothy 31 Coal Miner
Yemm Mary 31 wife
Yemm Mirrium 11 dtr
Yemm Susanna 8 dtr
Yemm Frederick 22 Cousin Coal Miner
Marfell Albert 31 Cousin Coal Miner
Stevens John 33 Boarder Coal Miner

He died 26.5.1930 Cuba, IL buried 28.5.1930. I have a copy of his death certificate and could email it to you if you email me via the web site.

Mirrium married a George Whittington born 1846 at Drybrook 26.1.1867, she had 11 children by him (I have all their details) and died 18.2.1883, the day after the 11th child was born. George then married Fanny and had 6 children by her.

Jim Ashton

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