1872 4 Men die in An Explosion (General)

by dink999, Saturday, July 12, 2008, 02:54 (6078 days ago)

From the next batch of inquests soon to be online the following looks interesting -does anyone know more details?

An inquisition taken this 19th day of June 1872 at the Police Station Mitcheldean on view of the body of John Griffiths aged 49 years a Quarryman, also

Thomas Goode aged 46 years a Collier
Hiram Bayliss aged 31 years a Quarryman
William Tomlins aged 59 years a Quarryman

In all 4 cases the verdict of the jury was given as

Asphyxia from gas resulting from an explosion of gunpowder used in blasting a rock when endeavouring to save the lives of other men

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