William Badham of Walford (General)

by janfran @, Saturday, July 12, 2008, 05:38 (6078 days ago)

I am at a loss regarding my Gt Grandfather William Badham who lived at Walford.
From census I have his birth date as anytime between 1833 and 1839.
I have his marriage certificate, but this just states of full age.
A fathers name is not listed, does this mean that he was illigitemate?
He gives his place of birth on the census as Monmouth. I don't know whether this is the County or Town. If it was the County what area would it cover in the 1830's?
I have gone through most of the census but have no clue to his parents as I don't have an exact age and can't find any for Monmouth.
I do not know when he moved to Walford. He gives his residence on his Marriage certificate as Walford, that was in 1864.
I would be grateful for any help which may take me forward in my search.

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