Mary Ann BRAIN ? 1821 The Morse (General)

by jimashton @, Thursday, July 24, 2008, 07:59 (6066 days ago) @ slowhands

Thank You Slowhands
Apart from the mentioned links to Marfell's & Brains from the marriage between Samuel's brother George and Elizabeth Wilkes, which has already been mentioned by Ann, the connections are almost limitless, but I will confine myself to the most interesting; (1) Mary Ann Brain who married Samuel Cinderey had a brother Cornelius Brain who married Anne Tommey Brain -now see my entry under the posting Sir Francis Brain.
(2) Samuel's brother Henry married Mary Ann Mountjoy 1.1.1837 and had 7 children. Mary Ann Mountjoy then married John Thomas (no comments please) in 1853, they had 2 Children including Elizabeth Sophia Mountjoy Thomas in 1855 - more later !! Mary Ann Mountjoy then married William Briscoe born 1825 Ireland on 21 October 1861. William Briscoe had previously been married to Sophia Mountjoy, sister of Mary Ann, with whom he had 8 children. Now comes the interesting part, so I hope you have been paying attention. Previously mentioned Elizabeth Sophia Mountjoy Thomas born 1855, had 9 children illegitimately, including Elizabeth Sophia 1880 who married Frederick Meek and
Owen Robinson born 4.12.1889. I have Owen's birth & marriage certificate, Name on Birth Certificate Owen Robinson Thomas. Name on Marriage Certificate, Owen Robinson Briscoe. All of the illegitimate children of Elizabeth Sophia Mountjoy Thomas changed their surname to Briscoe - so work it out !! William Briscoe born 1825 Ireland, son of William Briscoe born Kilkenny, Ireland 1795 & Johanna Aylward born Newmarket, Ireland 1803 must have been a game lad, I reckon he fathered at least 17 children.
Owen Robinson Briscoe married my great aunt Bernice Lily Marfell.
(3) Samuel's brother William married Esther Meek, daughter of George Meek & Sarah Brain, they had 5 children incl Sarah Anne 1857 who married Richard Meek.... the connections here roll on and on.

Jim Ashton

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