Looking for a Woodworking Sinderby c. 1800! (General)

by Scarlet, Sunday, July 27, 2008, 08:43 (6063 days ago) @ Scarlet

After another day Googling .. I think I may have a lead ..

I think that there is a marble commemorative plaque to Thomas Sinderby d.1812, in Church of St Mary, St Peter & St Paul, Westbury-on-Severn... the reason it feels a lead is that it apparently depicts him with a violin and bow in his hand .. so at last and at least there is a musical connection!

However I can find no picture of it, nor any contact details for the church..

Does anyone by any chance know the church and whether it is generally kept unlocked? Or who I might contact locally to follow up any local details about him?

I feel a visit may be required!

Thank you :)

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