Marriage of Richard HUGHES born 1781 in Lydney (General)

by kdoc36 @, Tuesday, July 29, 2008, 09:28 (6061 days ago) @ mcowan

Hi Anne,
Hannah I believe was the first child of his second marriage to Elizabeth Simmonds.They married 6/07/1824.I am assuming and have no certificate back up,but if you look at the records for Lydney there are five children baptised 1813/1816/1818/1821 and 1823.There is a burial for an Elizabeth Hughes in 1823 and the death of a child Hannah born 1823.Then in 1824 there is the marriage of Richard Hughes and Elizabeth Simmonds.I have eight children down on my tree for this marriage.Unless there were two Richards but the age matches up with Richard born 1781.

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