by mary5 @, Oxfordshire, Monday, August 04, 2008, 05:54 (6055 days ago)

My husband's family came from Lydney, the earliest being JAMES PROUT born about 1791 and who married ELIZABETH EDWARDS in 1816 at Lydney. Their son GEORGE born about 1821 in Lydney married AMELIA WILLIAMS nee ROBBINS a widow in 1850 at PARKEND CHURCH.

This family of PROUTS also used the name POWELL and sometimes a combination of the two. Has anyone any idea how this change of name came about?

I note that another member is researching EMMA PROUT the daughter of GEORGE POWELL PROUT who married ANN PREEST in 1836. This family I am sure is related to mine, perhaps the two GEORGES were cousins??


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