Edward Merryman c1685/Thomas Blackway c1685 (General)

by Paul Andrews @, Shropshire, England, Monday, August 04, 2008, 12:37 (6055 days ago)

I have recently transcribed the Parish Register for Preston by Ledbury 1665-1811.
The following, although not a birth, marriage or death was entered in the Register and may be of value to researchers of the above.

Mm Edward Merryman was Preft to be a Soldier in ye Parifh of Ledbury by Jofeph Mathews Conftable of Ledbury Febr ye 26th in 1710.

Thomas Blackway was preft in the Parifh of Bishops Froom by John Cale Conftable of Ledbury on Febr 23 in 1710.

Mm Edward Merryman had been but about Seven months in Mr Skynner's Service.

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