Elizabeth GILES and family (General)

by Bryan, Tuesday, September 09, 2008, 01:09 (6020 days ago) @ Willow 4873

Hi Willow x

I am very interested in this particular Knight family, are we talking about Giles Knight christened 29/04/1810 and Elizabeth Knight chr 30/04/1797 all at Newland. Elizabeth Knight married a John Beard and they had to my knowledge a daughter Mary chr 12/04/1818 again at Newland Glos.

I desparately need a break with this Knight family especially with regard to the parents of Giles & Elizabeth i.e. William Knight born 1766 and his wife Esther Morgan born 1767.

If this information is correct would love to talk with you on the telephone at my expense.....we have a great deal in common.



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