Marriages at Awre 1803 WOOD & KING / WOOD & BROBEN (General)

by jane gould @, Friday, September 19, 2008, 09:36 (6010 days ago)

Hello. There's 2 marriages shown in the transcriptions, both taking place on 6 December 1803 at Awre. One between William WOOD and Mary KING and one between William WOOD and Mary King BROBEN. Can anyone shed any light on this strange coincidence? The records show different clergy performing the ceremonies. Look forward to some enlightenment from someone. thanks.

Possibly one is the Bishops Transcripts details

by admin ⌂, Forest of Dean, Friday, September 19, 2008, 18:18 (6010 days ago) @ jane gould

There are many original Parish Records which are missing or illegible and because of this we have filled the gaps with the details that are in the Bishops Transcripts.

It appears that both of the records you mention refer to the same marriage but because the surname of the bride is different on the entries we have ended up with two entries for the marriage.

I will ask Graham the co-ordinator of the Parish Record Project to check if my guess for the reason of having two entries is correct.

What are Bishops Transcripts?

by admin ⌂, Forest of Dean, Friday, September 19, 2008, 18:26 (6010 days ago) @ admin

Bishops transcripts (BTs for short) were copies of parish registers made by the
incumbents and sent at yearly intervals to the Diocesan office. There are often
many discrepancies between a parish church's own registers and the copies sent
to the Bishop.

Marriages at Awre 1803 WOOD & KING / WOOD & BROBEN

by starfire, Saturday, February 07, 2009, 17:44 (5869 days ago) @ jane gould

Hello,I can possibly confirm the name of Mary King.According to my late mom,Megan Goodwin (nee Jones) she did marry a FOD gypsie or Romany.I not sure how mom knew this but,i have a cut glass goblet engraved with Mary Kings initials M K.Mom gave this to me years ago.She thought that it was given to MK as a wedding gift or owned by MK before her marrage.

Marriages at Awre 1803 WOOD & KING / WOOD & BROBEN

by jane gould @, Monday, February 09, 2009, 06:43 (5867 days ago) @ starfire

Thanks for getting back to me on this. It would be great if you could let me have any other information about Mary King/Broben. How was she related to you? We may be related to each other! Look forward to hearing from you again. jane gould (whose great grandmother was a Wood)

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