Localities in Newnham (General)

by Lefram, Tuesday, September 23, 2008, 04:27 (6006 days ago) @ Karaka

Tanhouse: Tanhouse Farm is on the A48 trunk road just outside Newnham on the route to Lydney after the railway bridge at Ruddle. The Tanning House still exists and is on the A48 just before the railway bridge at Ruddle (it looks like a big shed!). So not quite sure which was the Tanhouse.
Church Street is not known in Newnham today. Church Road goes from the juntion with the A48 by St Peters Church and along a lower road to again meet up with the A48.
Under the Cliff is more of a puzzle, but could possibly be from "The Beach" which is just off Church Rd with the junction for Severn St and going along towards St Peters Church. The other place could possibly be on the opposite side of the A48 from Underhill Farm. The land there stretches up to St Peters Church and there used to be some old cottages situated in what is now a field.

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