Look out for fraudsters (General)

by hilli1 @, Wednesday, October 01, 2008, 03:02 (5998 days ago)

I post this as a warning.
A message has come to my husband through his website form, from one perporting to be his living cousin. The e-mail described this cousin as being the subject of identity theft, and he said he had subsequently lost £6000 from his credit card. We thought the manner of the e-mail uncharacteristic of our cousin. He began by asking after me by name and then asked if we had changed our e-mail address: He finished uncharacteristically too with 'kind regards' We rang our cousin to check this out. He confirmed that he had not been the subject of any such identity theft, and had he been so, he would have telephoned us - of course. The fraudster also wanted us to make radical changes to the website removing names etc. which would have created a great deal of work and disruption.
There were several other clues in the message which made us suspicious as well as the fact that it had come through the website.
We anticipate that the sender must have wanted our e-mail address, and through that who knows?
Rest assured we did not send a reply.
Please be careful.

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