MARSHALL Thomas 1740 ish Aston Ingham, Longhope, Huntley (General)
Hi, I am looking for any information about Thomas Marshall, whom it assumed was born circa 1740. He was described as of the parish of Aston Ingham when he married Elizabeth Hooper 10 June 1764 in Huntley. He may also be from Longhope. Grateful of any information that anyone may have.
Thomas MARSHALL 1737 Newnham
by slowhands , proud of his ancient Dean Forest roots, Tuesday, October 07, 2008, 06:16 (5992 days ago) @ nxm
I interpret "of this parish" as living in the parish at the time of banns or marriage rather than born in the parish
a candidate ...
Christening: 28 NOV 1737 Newnham, Gloucester, England
Mother: MARY
Extracted birth or christening record for the locality listed in the record. The source records are usually arranged chronologically by the birth or christening date.
Source Information:
Batch No.: Dates: Source Call No.: Type: Printout Call No.: Type:
C030421 1719 - 1812 0425477 Film 6911774 Film
Sheet: 00
Ἀριστοτέλης A Gloster & Hereford Boy in the Forest of Dean ><((((*>
Thomas MARSHALL 1737 Newnham
by nxm , Tuesday, October 07, 2008, 06:31 (5992 days ago) @ slowhands
Hi, From previous research this suggested Thomas Marshall of Newham I have found a marriage for a Thomas MARSHALL to a Dinah COOK in Newnham on Severn on the 25th August 1789. This marriage seems a little late on in life for the above Thomas, especially as Dinah COOKE was baptised in Newnham on Severn on the 26th February 1769, making her much younger than Thomas. I have found a baptism of a Thomas MARSHALL, the son of Thomas and Elizabeth in 1760 in the parish of Westbury on Severn, which is the next parish to Newnham. So I think that it is mare likely to be that Thomas that married Dinah in 1789.
This indicates it is not the Thomas who was living in Aston Ingham in 1764.
We strongly believe that he is son of a Thomas and Anne Marshall of Longhope, however the parish records 1738 to 1742 and BTs 1738-9 are missing. Open to suggestions, but fear we have no way moving back further from here.
MARSHALL Thomas 1740 ish Aston Ingham, Longhope, Huntley
by richards , Tuesday, October 07, 2008, 10:38 (5992 days ago) @ nxm
I have sent the details to mxm
ELIZABETH3 HOOPER (JAMES2, ROBERT1) was born 1743 in Huntley, Gloucester, and died Feb 1831. She married THOMAS MARSHALL Jun 1764 in Huntley, Gloucester, son of THOMAS MARSHALL and ELIZABETH. He was born Abt. 1743 and died 1785 in Huntley, Glos.
MARSHALL Thomas 1740 ish Aston Ingham, Longhope, Huntley
by nxm , Tuesday, October 07, 2008, 11:38 (5992 days ago) @ richards
Thomas Marshall and Elizabeth (Betty) Hooper married on 10th June 1764 in Huntley under license are my 6th Gt paternal grand parents. Back to this point the family is fully researched and documented. Indeed the parents of Betty are known (James and Elizabeth Caswell married 29 Jun 1729 also in Huntley).
The problem starts with the hunt for Thomas, he was not recorded born in Aston Ingham. All other Thomas Marshall's from around the region seem result in other marriages. As I said earlier its felt that he is the son on Thomas and Anne Marshall from Longhope born 1738-1740. At the moment both parish records and BTs are missing over this period.
My only hope is to find a will of his father or family bible that would link Thomas Marshall 1738 to the Thomas and Anne of Longhope.
Any suggestions?
MARSHALL Thomas 1740 ish Aston Ingham, Longhope, Huntley
by Gordon , Thursday, October 09, 2008, 06:03 (5990 days ago) @ nxm
Hi nxm,
You state, 'Back to this point the family is fully researched and documented.'
Do you have a Joseph MARSHALL born abt 1858 and living in Dinham in 1901?
MARSHALL Thomas 1740 ish Aston Ingham, Longhope, Huntley
by nxm , Thursday, October 09, 2008, 06:22 (5990 days ago) @ Gordon
Hello Gordon,
Yes there is a Joseph Marshall, but this one is born 1829, christened 25 Feb 1829 Cheltenham St Mary died 18 Oct 1912 in Gloucester. The 1901 census has him living at 13 Albany St Gloucester.
MARSHALL Thomas 1740 ish Aston Ingham, Longhope, Huntley
by Gordon , Friday, October 10, 2008, 03:56 (5989 days ago) @ nxm
Probably not him but I will keep these details on file.
Many thanks,