MARSHALL Thomas 1740 ish Aston Ingham, Longhope, Huntley (General)

by nxm @, Tuesday, October 07, 2008, 11:38 (5992 days ago) @ richards


Thomas Marshall and Elizabeth (Betty) Hooper married on 10th June 1764 in Huntley under license are my 6th Gt paternal grand parents. Back to this point the family is fully researched and documented. Indeed the parents of Betty are known (James and Elizabeth Caswell married 29 Jun 1729 also in Huntley).

The problem starts with the hunt for Thomas, he was not recorded born in Aston Ingham. All other Thomas Marshall's from around the region seem result in other marriages. As I said earlier its felt that he is the son on Thomas and Anne Marshall from Longhope born 1738-1740. At the moment both parish records and BTs are missing over this period.

My only hope is to find a will of his father or family bible that would link Thomas Marshall 1738 to the Thomas and Anne of Longhope.

Any suggestions?

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