William (Henry) Williams and Mary Ann Page's Children (General)

by hawdon @, Alcossebre Spain, Sunday, October 12, 2008, 06:35 (5987 days ago) @ Akeene121

Hi again Aice

George Williams married Emma Page Mary's sister. and were witnesses at their marriage and vice versa:-
Record_ID: 23399 Entry Number: 390
Year: 1872 Month: May Day: 25
Groom Surname: WILLIAMS
Groom Forenames: Henry
Groom Age at Marriage: 27
Groom condition: Bachelor
Groom Rank or Profession: Woodman
Groom Residence: Lower Meen [?] S[t] Briavels
Groom Father's Surname: Williams
Groom Father's Forenames: William
Groom Father's Rank or Profession: Labourer
Bride Surname: PAGE
Bride Forenames: Mary Ann
Bride Age at Marriage: 20
Bride Condition: Spinster
Bride Rank or Profession:
Bride Residence: Lower Meen [?] S[t] Briavels
Bride Father's Surname: Page
Bride Father's Forenames: Thomas
Bride Father's Rank or Profession: Labourer
Licence or Banns: Banns
Date of banns:
Signature or Mark: Both sign
Witness 1: George Williams
Witness 2: Emma Williams
Other witnesses:
Officiating Minister: W[illia]m Taprell Allen Vicar
Event type: Marriage
Memoranda: [Read May 25 1872. WTA]
Transcriber's Notes: Notation at bottom of page - Date had been corrected.
Register Reference: P278 IN 1/12 Page No: 195
Parish_Chapel: St Briavels
Soundex Groom: W452 Soundex Bride: P200

Record_ID: 23395 Entry Number: 386
Year: 1871 Month: MAr Day: 29
Groom Surname: WILLIAMS
Groom Forenames: George
Groom Age at Marriage: 24
Groom condition: Bachelor
Groom Rank or Profession: Labourer
Groom Residence: Lower Mesne [?]
Groom Father's Surname: Williams
Groom Father's Forenames: William
Groom Father's Rank or Profession: Labourer
Bride Surname: PAGE
Bride Forenames: Emma
Bride Age at Marriage: 23
Bride Condition: Spinster
Bride Rank or Profession:
Bride Residence: S[t] Briavels Common
Bride Father's Surname: Page
Bride Father's Forenames: Thomas
Bride Father's Rank or Profession: Labourer
Licence or Banns: Banns
Date of banns:
Signature or Mark: Both Sign
Witness 1: Henry Williams
Witness 2: William Lee [?]
Other witnesses: Ann Williams. Mary Ann Page
Officiating Minister: W[illia]m Taprell Allen Vicar
Event type: Marriage
Transcriber's Notes:
Register Reference: P278 IN 1/12 Page No: 193
Parish_Chapel: St Briavels
Soundex Groom: W452 Soundex Bride: P200


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