WITTS and BAGLIN, Christchurch (General)

by sallycowley, Monday, October 20, 2008, 01:09 (5980 days ago)

Hello. I am trying to trace my mother's family tree.
My mother was: Norah Betty Clarke (b: 1929, in Leicester).
My grandmother - Norah's mother - was either Edith Rosa or Rosa Edith WITTS (b: 1902, in West Dean).
My great grandparents - Rosa/Edith parents - were: Sidney & Sarah WITTS (nee BAGLIN).
I think that Sidney's father was: Nimrod WITTS & Sarah's father was: Ephraigm BAGLIN, although I am not entirely sure, as I do not have any certificates or photographs to back these claims. Maybe somebody can 'throw some light on the subject'. Many thanks....Sally Cowley

WITTS and BAGLIN, Christchurch

by bertha, Monday, October 20, 2008, 01:50 (5980 days ago) @ sallycowley

When you log onto the website, if you put the name of the person you are looking for into the 'search forum' section you can see if anyone else has asked about the family you are interested in. There are numerous threads regarding the Baglin family. I've posted this one for you.


When you join this website you have access to half a million transcribed Parish Records. You can access these by logging in, then clicking on Parish Records, then type in the name of the person you are looking for.
Always a good place to start!

Record_ID: 2579
Entry_Number: 355
Year: 1890
Month: Jul
Day: 5
Grooms_Surname: WITTS
Grooms_Forenames: Sydney
Grooms_Age: 19
Groom_Condition: Bachelor
Grooms_Occupation: Collier
Grooms_Residence: Berry Hill
Grooms_Fathers_Surname: Witts
Grooms_Fathers_Forenames: Nimrod
Grooms_Fathers_Occupation: Collier
Brides_Surname: BAGLIN
Brides_Forenames: Sarah
Brides_Age: 18
Brides_Condition: Spinster
Brides_Occupation: [not stated]
Brides_Residence: Berry Hill
Brides_Fathers_Surname: Baglin
Brides_Fathers_Forenames: Ephraim
Brides_Fathers_Occupation: Collier
Licence_or_Banns: Banns
Signature_or_Mark: Both sign
Witness_1: Ephraim Baglin
Witness_2: Eliza Joyner
Other_Witnesses: None
Officiating_Minister: C. Barnes Vicar
Event: Marriage
Memoranda: -
Notes: -
Register_Reference: PFC82 IN 1/7
Page_Number: 178
Parish_Chapel: Christchurch
Soundex_Groom: W320
Soundex_Bride: B245

Free BMD

Name: Edith Rosa Witts
Year of Registration: 1903
Quarter of Registration: Jan-Feb-Mar
District: Monmouth (1837-1939)
County: Gloucestershire, Herefordshire, Monmouthshire
Volume: 11a
Page: 17

Finding new ways to spell Vaughan every day!

WITTS and BAGLIN, Christchurch

by llangrove, Monday, October 20, 2008, 10:53 (5979 days ago) @ sallycowley

Ephraim Baglin was married to my g-grandmother's sister. I have considerable info on this line. Pls feel free to contact me off board, and I'll be happy to share any info I have! ( Sarah Baglin b. 1872 married to Sidney Witts, 5 July 1890, Christchurch Berry Hill. )

Also, there is a photo of Ephraim and his wife Edith on this site!


WITTS and BAGLIN, Christchurch

by sallycowley @, Monday, October 06, 2014, 19:53 (3802 days ago) @ llangrove


It has been quite a long time since using the forum, as I have been trying to do my family tree on both my mother and fathers side, which is a challenge in itself!

I am now trying to go back to 'Ephraim Baglin' side, but keep getting stuck on the 1841 census for him. Where is he?? There is no sight or sound of him. Was he even in this country? Even the rest of the family seems to have disappeared. Does anybody have any information about him? Also, whilst on the census theme, why are the Baglins listed on both England and Wales Census? This is quite confusing!

Any info is greatly received


Sally Cowley

Ephraim BAGLIN born abt 1837, 1841 Census

by Jefff @, West London, Middlesex, Sunday, November 23, 2014, 17:51 (3754 days ago) @ sallycowley

Hi Sally,
like you I've not been on the forum for some time, so apologies for my late reply.
As highlighted by Bertha in the older post above, this prior thread mentions Ephraim, note I've updated the link to this forum's "new" web address. I see he was born abt 1837 or so.

A quick look at FreeBMD gives these hits, posted for completeness as I'm sure you know them.
I presume Willie & James were perhaps sons/grandsons ?. All registered in Monmouth District aka Coleford/Christchurch, as per my second point below.

Surname First name(s) Age District Vol Page

Marriages Dec 1861 (>99%)
BAGLIN Ephraim Monmouth 11a 42
Hawkins Edith Monmouth 11a 42

Births Sep 1894 (>99%)
Baglin Ephraim Willie Monmouth 11a 26

Deaths Mar 1896 (>99%)
Baglin Ephraim William 1 Monmouth 11a 17

Births Mar 1903 (>99%)
Baglin Ephraim James Monmouth 11a 14

Surname First name(s) Mother/Spouse/Age District Vol Page
Deaths Mar 1925 (>99%)
Baglin Ephraim 88 Monmouth 11a 33

I see the 1851 Census shows Ephraim with his GRANDparents, not parents. Maybe the key to finding him in 1841 is searching his parents.

I cannot find his Baptism in this site's PRs, but is Marriage is;

Record_ID: 2373
Entry_Number: 148
Year: 1861
Month: Dec
Day: 8
Grooms_Surname: BAGLIN
Grooms_Forenames: Ephraim
Grooms_Age: full
Groom_Condition: Bachelor
Grooms_Occupation: Collier
Grooms_Residence: Five Acres
Grooms_Fathers_Surname: Baglin
Grooms_Fathers_Forenames: Thomas
Grooms_Fathers_Occupation: Collier
Brides_Surname: HAWKINS
Brides_Forenames: Edith
Brides_Age: full
Brides_Condition: Spinster
Brides_Occupation: [not stated]
Brides_Residence: Five Acres
Brides_Fathers_Surname: Hawkins
Brides_Fathers_Forenames: James
Brides_Fathers_Occupation: Engineer
Licence_or_Banns: Banns
Signature_or_Mark: He signs she marks
Witness_1: Oliver Baglin
Witness_2: Rhoda Hawkins
Other_Witnesses: None
Officiating_Minister: W. H. Taylor
Event: Marriage
Memoranda: -
Notes: -
Register_Reference: PFC82 IN 1/7
Page_Number: 74
Parish_Chapel: Christchurch
Soundex_Groom: B245
Soundex_Bride: H252

Giving his father as Thomas Baglin, also a witness is Oliver Baglin, perhaps a brother or uncle ?.

Searching the PRs only gives 2 hits for Thomas Baglins on the whole database, as below, could he be from Nibley originally ?

Record_ID: 383294
Entry_Number: 252
Year: 1819
Month: May
Day: 8
Parents_Surname: BAGLIN
Child_Forenames: Thomas
Fathers_Forenames: Thomas
Mothers_Forenames: Ann
Residence: Nibley
Occupation: Spinner
Officiating_Minister: P.L.Jones Off[iciating] M[iniste]r
Event: Baptism
Register_Reference: P230 IN 1/10
Page_Number: 32
Parish_Chapel: North Nibley
Soundex: B245

Across the Severn, N.Nibley had been a wool manufacturing(spinning) town for some centuries. I wonder if the above Thomas had to move to the Forest to find work, as the Cotswold wool trade declined while Forest mining was expanding ?.
See http://www.genuki.org.uk/big/eng/GLS/NorthNibley/Gaz1868.html
Unfortunately I cannot find ANY Bagleys in the Genuki site Records for Nibley.

Searching Nibley on the net has hit on the extensive Hale website, also Capener family; both these families and more with North Nibley origins have been discussed within this forum.

For the record, this is the other PR which definitely looks relevant.
Record_ID: 88404
Entry_Number: 232
Year: 1850
Month: Aug
Day: 7
Surname: BAGLIN
Forenames: Thomas
Residence: Siety Tump
Age_at_death: 2 yrs 4 mo:
Officiating_Minister: Tho: O: Tudor B.A. Curate
Event: Burial
Register_Reference: P82 IN 1/13
Page_No: 29
Parish_Chapel: Christchurch
Soundex: B245

Searching ALL this site's PRs for children of Thomas Baglins, I see the following baptisms about the same time Ephraim was born, suggest searching the 1841 Census for Thomas & Sophia and Thomas & Anne would be worthwhile. Maybe the census official had trouble spelling Ephraim, as indeed might the website transcribers ? (and me!). Or perhaps such a young baby was just missed by the Census official ?

Year Parents_Surname Child_Forenames Fathers_Forenames Mothers_Forenames Mothers_Surname Residence Occupation Parish_Chapel
1817 BAGLIN Selina, Thomas & Anne Nibley Spinner North Nibley
1819 BAGLIN Thomas, Thomas & Ann Nibley Spinner North Nibley
1822 BAGLIN Maria, Thomas & Anne Nibley Spinner North Nibley
1833 BAGLIN John, Thomas & Sophia Joyford Collier Christchurch
1836 BAGLIN Eliza, Thomas & Sophia Joyford Collier Christchurch
1837 BAGLIN Mary Anne, Thomas & Sophia Joyford Collier Christchurch
1838 BAGLIN Mira, Thomas & Sophia Mount Pleasant Collier Christchurch
1840 BAGLIN Mary Anne, Thomas & Ellen Joyford Collier Christchurch
1841 BAGLIN Emma, Thomas & Sophia of Coleford Coleford Wesleyan
1843 BAGLIN Jane, Thomas & Sophia of Joyford Glos Coleford Wesleyan

Searching Ancestry 1841 Census gives several Bagleys in the Uley & Horsley, nr Nibley, area. eg Thomas & Mary Bagley in Horsley, their family includes a son Thomas; but they're all still there in subsequent Census'.

The ONLY Baglins I can find in 1841 Dean are all in "Coleford Meend, Park End Walk, St Briavels"

Given Name Surname Age Estimated Birth Year Gender Birth City Birth County Birth Country
Sarah Baglin 85 1756 Female
Isaac Baglin 60 1781 Male Gloucestershire England
Elizabeth Baglin 60 1781 Female
John Baglin 30 1811 Male Gloucestershire England

and a near neighbour, John's brother perhaps ?

William Baglin 30 1811 Male Gloucestershire England
Eleanor Baglin 25 1816 Female Gloucestershire England

Still no sign of Ephraim tho, I'm afraid.

Hopefully this MIGHT give you some pointers ?....

Revisiting the earlier post I've just realised(duh) the 1841 Census has been erroneously transcribed as Daniel RAGLAND onto Ancestry, the form reads BAGLAND, or Baglan in Forest-speak ?. They're a little closer to Christchurch, but I still cannot see a stray toddler with the neighbours..


BAGLIN of Christchurch area, England OR Wales ?

by Jefff @, West London, Middlesex, Sunday, November 23, 2014, 20:04 (3754 days ago) @ Jefff

Re your secondary query about your Forest ancestors being English or Welsh, depending which Census you look at, this has been asked a few times on this forum. This query particularly applies when researching households at the Western edge of the Dean towards the River Wye, in your case Christchurch area. These clumsy attempts by me at tackling such queries will HOPEFULLY help explain things, I certainly found it all rather confusing when researching my ancestors in Lydbrook and into Coleford (ie Christchurch) areas, which were outside my life in the Eastern side of the Forest. Any more questions please ask.



Ephraim BAGLIN misheard as Abraham ??a

by Jefff @, West London, Middlesex, Sunday, November 23, 2014, 20:25 (3754 days ago) @ Jefff

I'm beginning to wonder if Ephraim was actually found within the original Census posting by Slowhands as per Bertha's linked thread above ?.
I deliberately didn't look too much earlier as wanted to take a "fresh look".

As transcribed;

1851 Joyford
Daniel Baglin abt 1777 West Dean, Gloucestershire, England Head West Dean Gloucestershire
Mary Baglin abt 1781 West Dean, Gloucestershire, England Wife West Dean Gloucestershire
Ephraim Baglin abt 1837 West Dean, Gloucestershire, England Grandson West Dean Gloucestershire
William Herbert abt 1847 West Dean, Gloucestershire, England Visitor West Dean Gloucestershire

1841 Berry Hill
Daniel Ragland abt 1781 Gloucestershire, England Dean Forest Gloucestershire
Mary Ragland abt 1778 Gloucestershire, England Dean Forest Gloucestershire
Abraham Ragland abt 1836 Gloucestershire, England Dean Forest Gloucestershire
Elizabeth Ragland abt 1821 Gloucestershire, England Dean Forest Gloucestershire
John Ragland abt 1825 Gloucestershire, England Dean Forest Gloucestershire
William Ragland abt 1823 Gloucestershire, England Dean Forest Gloucestershire

see prior thread http://www.forum.forest-of-dean.net/index.php?id=4084

Altho' the Census official has written-down the better-known name "Abraham" on the 1841 form, I wonder if he misheard the boy's "grandparents" say "Ephraim".


Possible marriage of Daniel & Mary,
Record_ID: 62126
Entry_Number: 123
Year: 1802
Month: Aug
Day: 8
Grooms_Surname: BAGLIN
Grooms_Forenames: Daniel
Groom_Condition: Batchelor
Grooms_Residence: Hundred of St Briavels
Brides_Surname: DOBBS
Brides_Forenames: Mary
Brides_Condition: spinster
Brides_Residence: Hundred of St Briavels
Licence_or_Banns: Banns
Signature_or_Mark: Both mark
Witness_1: Mark of James Webb
Witness_2: Thos Bond
Officiating_Minister: Thos Brown Simpson curate
Event: Marriage
Register_Reference: P227 IN 1/10
Page_Number: 42
Parish_Chapel: Newland
Soundex_Groom: B245
Soundex_Bride: D120

Also within this site's PRs are a few more Daniel Baglins, including a later son of Ephraim.
There are 13 births to Daniel/Mary Baglins between 1803 and 1840, all within the right general area but unsure if to the same parents. One of these is a Thomas, as per my thoughts earlier ref Ephraim's quoted father.
(Think it's safe to assume Baglan = Bagland = Baglin, probably pronounced "Baglun"?)

Record_ID: 399172
Year: 1811
Month: Aug
Day: 11
Parents_Surname: BAGLAND
Child_Forenames: Thomas
Fathers_Forenames: Daniel
Mothers_Forenames: Mary
Event: Baptism
Register_Reference: P138 IN 1/4
Page_Number: 30
Parish_Chapel: English Bicknor
Soundex: B245

I cannot find Thomas b1811 in the 1841 Census, but could this be him in 1851, in "right" area at Joyford Hill.

Name Surname Relationship Age Estimated Birth Year Gender Birth Place.
Thomas Baglin Head 33 1818 Male West Dean, Gloucestershire, England
Sophia Baglin Wife 31 1820 Female West Dean, Gloucestershire, England
John Baglin Son 16 1835 Male West Dean, Gloucestershire, England
Mary Ann Baglin Daughter 15 1836 Female West Dean, Gloucestershire, England
Maria Baglin Daughter 12 1839 Female West Dean, Gloucestershire, England
Emma Baglin Daughter 9 1842 Female West Dean, Gloucestershire, England
Fanny Baglin Daughter 11 Mo 1850 Female West Dean, Gloucestershire, England

Ancestry does show a similarly aged Thomas/Sophia Baglin family in the 1851 Census, across the Severn nr Dursley (so not far from Nibley), but they are also there in the 1841 so a different household than the FoD one.


Searching for Thomas'parents Daniel & Mary;

1851 Census, for ????House, Whitchurch, Monmouth District
Given Name Surname Relationship Age Estimated Birth Year Gender Birth Place
Daniel Baglin Head 40 1811 Male English Bicknor, Gloucestershire, England
Mary Maria Baglin Wife 36 1815 Female Abergavenny, Monmouthshire, Wales
Oliver Baglin Son 11 1840 Male English Barknor, Gloucestershire, England
Casandra Baglin Daughter 6 1845 Female Whitchurch, Herefordshire, England
(NB lots of unhelpful transcription errors here!)
[see below re Oliver]

The 1851 and later censuses show wife Mary as born Abergavenny, Wales.
Is this her in the 1841, at Talybont, Penkelly ?

Mary Daire 15 1826 Female Breconshire Wales
Martha Prichard 75 1766 Female
Mary Baglin 25 1816 Female Breconshire Wales

Penkelly is 5miles southeast of Brecon.


I cannot definitely find Daniel Baglin b1811 but this caught my eye?;

1841 Census, boarding house? in Llanelli, Breconshire, with several other miners, no other Baglins, shame age is wrong !;
Daniel Baglin 16 1825 Male Miner NOT born in County.


Oliver BAGLIN, innkeeper, Albion Inn, Coalway

by Jefff @, West London, Middlesex, Sunday, November 23, 2014, 23:08 (3754 days ago) @ Jefff

The aforementioned 1851 Census for Daniel & Mary included their son OLIVER, similar age to Ephraim. As posted earlier an Oliver Baglin was witness at Epraim's wedding ! In my extensive Ancestry searches I've noticed Thomas, Daniel etc to be popular Baglin names both in the Forest and across the Severn in the Nibley/Stroud area. However I don't recall seeing any other Olivers.

Indeed there are only two within the FoD PRs, both "our" man;

Record_ID: 126463
Entry_Number: 568
Year: 1840
Month: Jan
Day: 5
Parents_Surname: BAGLIN
Child_Forenames: Oliver
Fathers_Forenames: Daniel
Mothers_Forenames: Mary
Residence: English Bicknor
Occupation: Sawyer
Officiating_Minister: Edwd. Feild Rector
Event: Baptism
Memoranda: Dec 16 1839
Notes: birth date in left margin
Register_Reference: P138 in 1/5
Page_Number: 71
Parish_Chapel: English Bicknor
Soundex: B245

Record_ID: 170383
Entry_Number: 2234
Year: 1912
Month: Oct
Day: 19
Surname: BAGLIN
Forenames: Oliver
Residence: Retired Innkeeper
Age_at_death: 72
Officiating_Minister: E H Brice
Event: Interment
Memoranda: (1) Coalway Lane End (2) South Div[ision] : Adults Gr[ave] (3) FF 15 (4) Consecrated (5)
Register_Reference: DA25 / 204 / 2
Page_No: 11
Parish_Chapel: Coleford Cemetery
Soundex: B245

The 1911 Census shows Oliver as sadly "totally blind, aged 71, retired innkeeper" living alone at four-roomed Albion House, Coalway, Coleford. No indication that the House is still a pub.
I think this modern photo shows it and suspect this was once the Inn.

The 1901 Census shows Oliver "retired innkeeper aged 60" living alone, near to but not in the Inn, Noah Voice & family are landlords. Oliver is a few properties away but still has similar neighbours to 1911 Census, eg Thomas Childs next to the Inn.

The 1891 Census shows Oliver as "single, aged 50, innkeeper" at the Albion Inn, Coalway. Aforementioned Noah Voice is a coalminer living nearby.

The 1881 Census shows Oliver as a "general dealer" living with mother Mary, widow, at the Albion Inn beerhouse. The 1871 and 1861 also show them, with sawyer/innkeeper Daniel, at the same Albion inn/beerhouse.

Searching the net gives this VERY informative booklet, written in 1987 by Albion House's owner, wellknown local author Ralph Anstis. It contains a lot of interesting Baglan family history.

Re R.Anstis see http://www.deanforestmiscellany.info/myContents/FODM_Index.shtml

The excellent Old Pubs site has some more history of the pub, showing it did well under Oliver's tenure. Cannot give direct link but search "Albion Inn" or "Albion Coalway" then page thro the handful of hits.

As mentioned in the above webpage, also see

I wonder if this football team were originally based at the Albion Inn, despite it having closed by the time this squad were photographed ?
The same website has several photos of more recent Baglins in the Berry Hill area, eg.

Of course this site has a wonderful photo gallery too, see

which nicely returns us to Ephraim, what a great photo of a grand old couple;

Ephraim BAGLIN misheard as Abraham ??

by Jefff @, West London, Middlesex, Monday, November 24, 2014, 14:30 (3753 days ago) @ Jefff


I have just done the obvious, and belated searched all the possible sources including this site's PRs for a ABRAHAM Baglin/Bagland. After a "sleepless" night I'm pleased to say I cannot find such a person anywhere apart from one born in Devon in 1721.
Hence I think it clear that for Abraham Baglin in 1841 Census we should read Ephraim.

Finally, apologies for my own confusion over the spelling of Ephraim, sharp readers may have noticed I started by following the thread's lead by spelling it "Ephraim". Then after seeing his photo on this site's gallery changed all my spellings to "Ephriam", as this more closely follows the correct pronounication. However I have now re-corrected my text back to "Ephraim" in line with all the PRs and Census, who am I to doubt all these people !.

Judging by the spelling variations I've seen my name over the years, I shudder to think how some people might spell Ephraim in the C21st.
I do hope my wanderings have helped you Sally, thanks for the interesting query,
Jeofery ;-)


by MPGriffiths @, Monday, November 24, 2014, 14:50 (3753 days ago) @ Jefff

Marriage at Dursley -

Thomas BAGLIN married Ann TROTMAN - 19 November 1811 by banns

Children after 1813 christened at Dursley

Maria - daughter of Thomas (Spinner) & Ann - born 13 June 1824, christened 28 December 1834

Nehemiah - daughter of Thomas (Spinner) & Ann - christened 14 May 1815


BAGLIN - christened after 1813 again Dursley

Elizabeth - bcc of Mary (wool picker) - christened 8 January 1815

Henry - ilc of Ann - born 13 April 1813 - christened - 2 April 1815


BAGLIN burials at Dursley

Ann - 20 August 1850 aged 65
Thomas - 3 December 1837 aged 46
Henrietta - 8 weeks - 31 May 1843, (Union)

On Ancestry is the Will of Thomas BAGLIN (Victualler) of Stroud - 7 October 1826 - talks about his wife Esther - and son Daniel BAGLIN, son of my said wife, and commonly known by the name of Daniel BAGLIN. Later on in the Will, he mentions his Natural Son Daniel BAGLIN, and children with his late wife - i.e. names: Sarah, John, Hannah and Lucinda.


Haven't worked out yet, whether this is Daniel BAGLIN (no father's name listed) - who married Mary PARRY at English Bicknor - 20 Dec 1835 - and can see in the Licence records - an Esther BAGLIN re-marrying in Stroud - 20 September 1827 to a Richard HILL.


by Jefff @, West London, Middlesex, Monday, November 24, 2014, 15:00 (3753 days ago) @ MPGriffiths

Hi MPG and thanks for bringing some much-needed order to my confused ways. Having found a good old pub, and just yards from some of my brother-in-law's ancestors, I'm happy to call this one a day.
At least until opening time !
atb J

Ephraim BAGLIN born abt 1837, 1841 Census

by sallycowley @, Tuesday, November 25, 2014, 13:48 (3752 days ago) @ Jefff

Wow, thanks Jefff. That was some insight into the census details for Ephraim. I thought that I had covered all aspect of the 'Baglin' surname(s).
Way back in the 1841 census, I would have thought that the name given, would have sufficed. After all, not a lot of people could spell their own names, let alone read or write! Which has been a test on ALL sides of my family tree.

Thanks again for all the time and effort, in tracing the 'Baglin' family tree.



by MPGriffiths @, Tuesday, November 25, 2014, 13:56 (3752 days ago) @ sallycowley

Just looking to see if Ephraim/Abraham could be the son of Daniel & Mary's daughter Jane (christened 30 June 1814) - who married Elijah HERBERT - at Staunton - 26 May 1840

(there's been previous threads of Jane BAGLIN/HERBERT)


If you look at the 1851 census, William HERBERT aged 4 is also a visitor and could well be the half-brother of Ephraim

1851 Census


Daniel - 74
Mary - 70
Ephriam BAGLIN - 14
William HERBERT - 4 (Glosbdm: William HERBERT, mother's maiden name BAGLING 1846)

Fod records, have a baptism of a Sarah Ann BAGLIN 14 December 1836, mother Jane (single woman). Sarah Ann BAGLIN was buried at Christchurch - 13 May 1838 - aged 1 year 5 months (residence: Joyford)


Looking at Ancestry, Elijah HERBERT was transported in 1850 for sheepstealing - and Jane is left with the children - one daughter appears to be called either Eleanor/Livina/Elvina* - depending on the census returns.

Elvina and sister Lydia were christened together at Drybrook - 16 October 1842.

WITTS and BAGLIN, Christchurch

by Jefff @, West London, Middlesex, Sunday, January 04, 2015, 15:27 (3712 days ago) @ sallycowley

Hi again Sally,
in case you don't see it, Ephraim Baglin is also key to an interesting story in this more recent thread, hope it's of interest.

I've also belatedly remembered to search-out the Baglin innkeepers in the local trade Directories, giving;

1870 Kelly's Post Office Directory of West Dean 1870
BAGLIN Daniel, beer retailer"


Morris & Co. Commercial Directory & Gazetteer of West Dean 1876
Trades and Professions
BAGLIN Mrs. Mary Maria, beer retailer"


1879 Kelly's Directory for Berry Hill & Lane End
"Lane End
Baglin Daniel, beer retailer"



While googling the above names I also found this superb and highly recommended website which shows members of the Baglin family within the Scowles School Admission Registers, eg

Surname Parent Occupation Date of Birth Reg. Year Notes
214 Daniel Baglin Evan Baglin Berry Hill Collier Feb 1875
292 William Baglin Ephraim Baglin Berry Hill Collier 25.4.1877
440 Edith Baglin Ephraim Baglin Berry Hill Collier 1880


and also see http://forum.forest-of-dean.net/index.php?id=45299

This excellent School photo looks to be a little late to include the above Baglins.

Indeed I see from the Dance website it is the 1914 Class.

WITTS and BAGLIN, Christchurch

by sallycowley @, Tuesday, January 06, 2015, 19:42 (3710 days ago) @ Jefff

Hello Jefff
Thanks for the updates. It seems that we have certain knowledge about their lives, but apart from the photo of Ephriam and his wife, Edith, on the fod photo gallery, do we know if there are others that exist. I am particularly interested in pictures of his daughter, Sarah Baglin. She would have been my great grandmother, who was married to Sidney/Sydney Witts.
Again, any info would be greatly appreciated.

Many thanks.....Sally

ps I will try and keep up with the fod website :-)

WITTS and BAGLIN, Christchurch

by Jefff @, West London, Middlesex, Wednesday, January 07, 2015, 02:13 (3710 days ago) @ sallycowley

Hi Sally,
thanks for your kind words, you're very welcome of course, we're all more than happy to help where we can. Sorry no photos tho, very rare things indeed in those days unless you were fairly wealthy I guess, certainly none for my working-class ancestors before 1920 or so !.

I was hoping you might be able to shed some light on this "mystery soldier", apparently a brother of Ephraim Baglin, please ?

WITTS and BAGLIN, Christchurch

by sallycowley @, Wednesday, January 07, 2015, 20:03 (3709 days ago) @ Jefff

Hello Jefff
I am afraid that I cannot enlighten you on the 'mystery soldier'. I only just-and-just know the basic details about Ephraim. I could suggest going down the route of the 'usual' websites, but then you would have probably visited them. Through the library, local newspapers might be worth a search.
But then again, are there any Baglins that are still alive that have 'hand-me-down' stories? Maybe I am clutching as straws!!!

Anyhow, good luck in your search and hope that something crops up.



WITTS and BAGLIN, Christchurch

by diane dunford, Thursday, June 16, 2011, 19:03 (5010 days ago) @ sallycowley

My great grandparents were Sarah Witts (nee Baglin) and Sidney Witts. My grandfather was Maynard Francis Witts and his wife (my grandmother) was Eleanor Witts (nee Howell). My mother is Barbara Ruddy their eldest daughter. If you would like any further information please let me know and my mother will happily help where she can. Diane Dunford (nee Ruddy)

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