Morgans in Staunton around 1820 (General)

by tomoliver, Friday, October 24, 2008, 06:50 (5975 days ago)

My great grandfather Charles Morgan said he was born in Staunton around this time, son of William, a farmer.
The Parish records found on this site give a Charles born 1815 to William (a yeoman) and Anne.
Staunton is not large, and there are a few Morgans about there at that time, but I can find no link, or a real trace of William.
I now have a map of Staunton from 1845, with land ownerships listed. The only trace of property for William seems to be the White Horse Inn!
I have found Charles marriage in Mitcheldean in 1841 to Emma Maria Phillips, and then their domicile in Ross.
I would really like to know if there were siblings of Charles in Staunton or nearby.

Morgans in Staunton around 1820

by sian, Saturday, January 03, 2009, 23:35 (5904 days ago) @ tomoliver

Have you considered that there is more than one place called Staunton in Gloucestershire? - 1 S.E of Redmarley and 1 near Coleford east of Monmouth. There are also 2 in Herefordshire - Staunton on Arrow and Staunton on Wye. I know that there are a large number of Morgans in the latter.

Morgans in Staunton around 1820

by tomoliver, Sunday, January 04, 2009, 01:50 (5904 days ago) @ sian

Thanks for your reply, sian.
My g'g'grandfather was William, a farmer. His son Charles was born in Staunton, Glos. and I have traced his first marriage and her death and his second marriage and family starting in Ross. So I know I am on the right track with this Charles.
I have found a William married to Anne Wood at the right time in Staunton near Coleford, and no one of that name and time in Staunton near Newent.
However, I have not been able to find where that William (or Anne) came from, or what happened to them.
I have looked at all the parish events that are on this site for Morgans in Staunton, and cannot see a trace apart from William and Mary's marriage in 1808, and a daughter Mary in 1809, and Charles in 1815.
I can see a possible lineage in Staunton, but the absence of William and Anne's origin and demise is a mystery so far.
Do you have Morgans in your family from these areas, or have you followed any?

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