George Bayley b.1770 Hartpury (General)
by Bailey , Saturday, November 08, 2008, 02:45 (5961 days ago)
George Bayley (Bailey) born circa 1770 Hartpury
I have been researching the Bailey family of Hartpury and Ashelworth (Ashleworth) for some years but I have constantly drawn a blank on George Bayley's parentage. George b.1770/71 in Hartpury married Esther Biggs of Hartpury in 1792. There are various possible candidates in Lassington and Hartpury which may be George's parents but I cannot confirm the connection. It may be that George was known by another name i.e. "William George". If anyone can enlighten me as to his parents or his family line I would be grateful.
For additional information which may help in identification:- George became a stone mason, and later a bricklayer. His many children married into the Capper, Ferris, Travell, Broadstock, Hiam families of Hartpury and Corse. In his later years George resided with his son Joseph in Orridge Street, Corse. George died in 1854 in Corse.
Many thanks
George Bayley b.1770 Hartpury
by fezann , Thursday, July 09, 2009, 14:17 (5717 days ago) @ Bailey
Sadly I can't provide an answer for your query ( it was posted a while ago, maybe you have solved it ) but I was interested to read about the connection with the Ferris name. I have been researching the Ferris family tree and I too have come across connections with the Bailey/ Hiam and Capper families. The people of Hartpury seem to have been a close knit bunch, don't they.
George Bayley b.1770 Hartpury
by Bailey , Sunday, July 12, 2009, 09:42 (5715 days ago) @ fezann
I am still trying to find George Bayley's parents. There are a few candidates but cannot find that elusive piece of information. Francis Baily may have been his grandfather. I managed to obtain the Will of Francis which confirms his daughter Mary married Thomas Hulls, his main heir was his grandson Thomas Hulls. Francis was buried with his wife in the Hulls family tomb at Corse church. Unfortunately the damaged parish records of Corse have not provided any more information than that already transcribed.
The Ferris connection is Emma Bailey (b.1829, Hartpury)daughter of William Bayley (b.1804, Hartpury)and Anne (nee Hiam). She first married Wiliam Hiam and had 2 sons William and Hartley. Her husband died in his 20s and was recorded as a "sea captain". Her second marriage was to John Ferris ( but I know no more than this ).
I'm researching the Hiam, Capper, Dodwell, Jelfe, and Hulls families at the moment in the hope that references to George Bayley will surface.
Corse and Hartpury are made up of very small hamlets and their communities were quite insular, most of the inhabitants being related to each other by one means or another. However, having said that they ventured out to the neighbouring hamlets of Tirley, Hasfield, Eldersfield, Linton (nr Over), Lassington, and Ashleworth.
George Bayley b.1770 Hartpury
by Bailey , Sunday, October 31, 2010, 08:17 (5239 days ago) @ Bailey
At long last I believe I found the origin of George.
Details that I have are as follows:-
George Bayley mar. Esther Biggs on 8.11.1792 at Hartpury both otp. Banns were read on 21, 28 October. Marriage witnesed by James Biscoe and Elizabeth Biscoe ( Esther's sister), I assumed they both were born 1770 / 1772 respectively.
1841 Census, Corse. George Bailey and his wife Esther living with their youngest son Joseph at Wyre Cotttages, Orridge Street, Corse ( all members of the family recorded as born Gloucestershire).
Esther Bayley (nee Biggs) died and was buried in Corse 22 Feb 1844, aged 72 (born circa 1772).
Two years before, Joseph's wife died and was buried Corse 3 June 1842.
1854 George Bailey, resident of Maisemore, died aged " 80", and buried 7 Mar 1854 at Corse.
Until now I had not found a reference to George in the 1851 Census. Joseph, his son, had remarried to Elizabeth, had two children from his first marriage and a further child from his second. George would have been about 76 to 80 years of age in 1851 ( born circa 1771).
Looking through there are various George Baileys for the 1851 Census none of which were obvious candidates. However, recently I found a George Bailey identified residing in the Gloucester Union Workhouse, age 80 (born about of 1771), labourer, and a widower, born Quedgeley, Gloucestershire (incorrectly transcribed as aged 50).
Looking at the Quedgeley / Elmore family group they reflect the same christian names of George & Esther's children, the only issue is that George at Quedgeley was baptised in 1768 two years before the estimated birth date (but close enough). However, Esther was recorded in the 1841 census as a year older than George. She was baptised in Hartpury on 25 Nov 1770 which would indicate George may have been born in 1769 if not earlier.
George being qouted in 1851 as 80 years of age and on his death as 80 in 1854 suggests George's memory was not what it was and he remained "80" years for some time.
I think I may have found that elusive missing link.
Esther BIGGS b.1770 Hartpury
by slowhands , proud of his ancient Dean Forest roots, Sunday, October 31, 2010, 09:09 (5239 days ago) @ Bailey
Year: 1770
Month: Nov
Day: 25
Parents_Surname: BIGGS
Child_Forenames: Esther
Fathers_Forenames: John
Mothers_Forenames: Anne
Event: Baptism
Register_Reference: P165 IN 1/2
Page_Number: 41
Parish_Chapel: Hartpury
Ἀριστοτέλης A Gloster & Hereford Boy in the Forest of Dean ><((((*>
Corse, Parish Register Transcripts & Quedgeley
by m p griffiths , Sunday, October 31, 2010, 10:06 (5238 days ago) @ Bailey
Corse, Gloucestershire, Parish Register Transcripts
Marriages at Quedgeley 1559-1836
(you'll see - there is a marriage at Quedgeley of a John BAILEY to Esther MEDWAY - 19 April 1764)
The Gloucestershire Records Office should have the records from the Workhouse.
Corse, Parish Register Transcripts & Quedgeley
by Bailey , Monday, January 03, 2011, 11:13 (5174 days ago) @ m p griffiths
Many thanks.
I obtained a copy of George's death certificate, details are:
Sub-district of St. Nicholas, City of Gloucester
When died: 1st March 1854
Where died: Union Workhouse Gloucester
Name: George Bailey
Age: 84
Occupation: former husbandman
Cause: Debility from old Age
Informant: Eleanor Eskine - in attendance
This confirms the 1851 Census of George residing in the Union Workhouse which records his place of birth as Quedgeley, therefore George must be the son of John Bailey and Esther (nee Medway) of Quedgeley.
Next step is finding John's birth and parentage. John born in Saul in the neighbouring parish seems a likely candidate.
Once again, many thanks
Keith Bailey
George Bayley b.1770 Hartpury
by rogerh0343 , Hebden Bridge, Thursday, March 10, 2011, 14:08 (5108 days ago) @ Bailey
A couple of queries please regarding the occupation of William Hiam who married Emma Bailey (Bayley)as "sea captain" :-
Was this information obtained from his death certificate?
and if so were there any details regarding William's parents on the certificate?
Who were John Ferris's parents and was he born circa 1831?
Best regards
Roger Hiam
by m p griffiths , Thursday, March 10, 2011, 15:15 (5108 days ago) @ rogerh0343
FOD records
William HIAM burial 17 March 1850 at Maisemore - age 22
Gloucestershire BDM
Emma HIAM married John FERRIS - St May de Lobe 1852
1851 Census Glos. Hartpury
William BAILEY - 40 - Bricklayer
Ann - 45
Emma HIAM - daughter, Widow - 22
Charles BAILEY - son - 21 Bricklayer
Thomas BAILEY - son - 18
William BAILEY - son - 13
Henry BAILEY - son - 11
James BAILEY - son - 8
Fanny BAILEY - daguther - 4
Ann BAILEY - daughter - 2
William HIAM - Grandson, 1
On the 1851 - Maisemore
Hartley HIAM age 2 and Grandson is living with his Grandparents Samuel & Ann HIAM in Hartpury
Samual HIAM - 56 - born Hartpury
Ann HIAM - 54 - born Maisemore
Mary FEWEL (transcibed as - very faint) daughter married - age 28
Jane HIAM - 14
Benjamin HIAM 19
Hartley HIAM - Grandson age 2
1861 Census Hartpury
Danfort? Lane
John FERRIS - 30 - born Hartpury
Emma FERRIS - 33 - born ditto
James FERRIS - 8 - born ditto
1841 Census, Hartpury
John - 35
Mary - 30
John - 11
Elizabeth - 6 - FOD records - Harpury - 21 December 1834
David - 7
Charles - 4 - 12 March 1837
FOD records
John FERRIS Wdr (of the Parish of Hartpury in the county & Diocese of Gloucester) married Mary MOULDER (Spinster) - Glos St John the Baptist - 2 August 1830 by licence.
witnesses: William WILKINS, mark of Hannah GROVES, and Ephraim CLOSE
by rogerh0343 , Hebden Bridge, Thursday, March 10, 2011, 16:16 (5108 days ago) @ m p griffiths
Many thanks for your very swift and full reply.
Much appreciated. What an excellent web-site and contributors.
I will have to check my Ann Hiams/Hyam as I thought previously that this Ann was the eldest child of John and Sarah Hiam. So the Samuel/Ann has thrown a bit of a wobbler into my family tree.
Nonetheless this has been a big help.
by rogerh0343 , Hebden Bridge, Thursday, March 10, 2011, 16:24 (5108 days ago) @ rogerh0343
Got it.
Samuel and Ann are William's parents.
Bit slow today but got there in the end.
Many thanks
Hartley/William HYAM
by m p griffiths , Thursday, March 10, 2011, 16:36 (5108 days ago) @ rogerh0343
Both the children's baptisms are on FOD records (Hartpury)
Hartley HYAM - 6 August 1848
William HYAM - 21 April 1850
William (labourer) and Emma HYAM
Hartley/William HYAM
by rogerh0343 , Hebden Bridge, Thursday, March 10, 2011, 18:59 (5108 days ago) @ m p griffiths
Much appreciated.
Many thanks
Hartley/William HYAM
by Bailey , Friday, March 11, 2011, 09:18 (5108 days ago) @ rogerh0343
Hi Roger
Details I have are:-
Samuel Hiam mar. Ann Elderidge 25.Mar.1816 at St.Mary de Lode Gloc.
their son:-
Wiliam Hiam bap. 18.11.1827 Maisemore, died 14 Mar. 1850, bur 17 Mar.1850 Maisemore (age 22)
William Hiam mar Emma Bailey 17.Jul 1847
their first son William Bailey bap. 21.4.1850 (father William Hiam, occ. labourer)
Emma Hiam (nee Bailey) mar. John Ferris 5 Sept. 1852 Gloucester
I do not have a copy of William's death certificate, but my understanding from other researchers many years ago that at the time of death he was a "boatman/waterman". I'm afraid I have no citation to offer to confirm this.
Hartley/William HYAM
by rogerh0343 , Hebden Bridge, Friday, March 11, 2011, 14:48 (5107 days ago) @ Bailey
Thank you very much Keith.
Much obliged.
Hartley/William HYAM
by Bailey , Sunday, March 13, 2011, 07:40 (5106 days ago) @ rogerh0343
I have gone back through all my written notes made in the 1980's and cannot find the reference of the occupation to Emma's husband William Hiam. However, I do have a reference from the 1871 Census of Emma's sister Fanny Bailey now Fanny Sweetland, wife of a "sea captain". Fanny was still living with her parents William and Ann at this point in time. Again, never found details of Mr Sweetland or the marriage.
Hartley/William HYAM
by rogerh0343 , Hebden Bridge, Sunday, March 13, 2011, 09:52 (5105 days ago) @ Bailey
Hi Keith
Many thanks for taking the time to go through your records.
Very grateful.
Best wishes
George Bayley b.1770 Hartpury
by unknown, Sunday, October 31, 2010, 19:45 (5238 days ago) @ Bailey
If you are looking at Ferris and Bailey google "From Littledean to Enoggera"
its a family history site you may find it of interest.
George Bayley b.1770 Hartpury
by Bailey , Monday, January 03, 2011, 11:26 (5174 days ago) @ unknown
Thanks for the link.
This document is a great piece of research and opens up a lot of possibilities. George is most definitely related to the Bailey's of Elmore and Wheatenhurst.
The author and researcher of this genealogy does warn of assumptions and various permitations on the records. Having researched some of the details there are a few branches of this family tree which may contain some incorrect assumptions but the majority of the evidence appears pretty sound.This document opens all sorts of doors to family connections.
I have obtained one of the the Wills mentioned in the document(which was not summarised) from Gloucestershire Archives which fills one of the gaps in my family branch, and have now ordered others to confirm the extended family.
One of the most exciting links that has come out of this document is that one, if not more, of the Bailey's from Wheatenhurst area emigrated to Virginia, New England as one of the first settlers of the environs of Jamestown during the period between 1610 and 1660.
Again, many thanks
Keith Bailey