William & Frances Tyler - Coleford Cemetery (General)

by dt1966 @, Waroona, Western Australia, Friday, November 14, 2008, 02:39 (5955 days ago)

Hello there

I was wondering if anyone who was reading this and who lived near the Coleford Cemetery, could take a photograph of an MI and a headstone and could email it or upload it to the photographs section of the website for me?
The headstone is for William & Frances Tyler and their son George Merrick Tyler. All I know is the the location/reference is A16 and it reads Frances Tyler wife of William Tyler of Coleford d 26/7/1869 aged 54 also George Merrick Tyler, their son, d. 28/6/1875 aged 25 and William Tyler d. 16/7/1891 age 75.

Looking foward to hearing from anyone who would be able to do this favour.

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