Johanna Elsmore nee Sibrance (General)

by kiwiceltic @, New Zealand, Sunday, November 16, 2008, 19:37 (5952 days ago)

How can I be sure this Joan/Joanae/Joanna/Johanna/Joo ? who married my Guileilmi ELSMORE in 1674 Newland, Gloucestershire, England is Johanna Elsmore nee SIBRANCE. I found her name on on the Gloucestershire, England: Parish and Probate Records
Birth, Marriage & Death Name: Elsmore als. Sibrance, Johanna
Vital: location, Gloucestershire, England
It gave no dates. Until now I didn't have Joan/Joanae /Joanna/Johanna/ Joo ? maiden name.
SIBRANCE isn't a very common english surname, so rather baffled by it.
Joan/Joanae /Joanna/Johanna/Joo ? born Abt. 1660. Many thanks

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