Searching for JONES, WILLIAMS & BROWN families (General)

by tonygo, Saturday, November 29, 2008, 17:40 (5939 days ago)

My name is Tony Goode I am 73 years of age and live in Adelaide South Australia.

During the second world war I lived at Littledean for five years and had have wonderful memories of the forest and playing with friends...the Murrels, the Brains and others.

I am related to George Henry Jones the past owner of Bixdale mine and his wife Alice Elizabeth Jones (nee Brown). I know that their daughter Alice Elizabeth, married Frank Robert Williams of the Red and White Bus Services Lt. in 1937 and had a daughter Barbara Williams who would be a relative of mine. Looking at an old photo taken at Eastdean school in 1954 I noticed a girl no.44 in row 7 named Barbara Williams and I can't help thiking she could be my relative.

I am trying to compile my family tree for myself and my family here in Australia and I would be most grateful if Barbara Williams or anyone else who can help me would contact me by e.mail

Thank you, Tony Goode.

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