PRITCHARD Jane of Coleford - marriage 1896 - Perth, WA (General)
by Don Cameron , Monday, December 01, 2008, 01:29 (5938 days ago)
The West Australian
Wednesday 20 January 1897
December, at St. John's Church, Fremantle,
by the Ven. Archdeacon Watkins, HARRY, only
son of the late Joseph Preisthouse, Perth,
- Western Australia, to JANE, only daughter of
the late Thomas Pritchard, of Coleford,
Gloucestershire, England
Don Cameron
Don Cameron
PRITCHARD Jane of Coleford - marriage 1896 - Perth, WA
by dtyler, Sunday, January 04, 2009, 02:54 (5904 days ago) @ Don Cameron
Hello Don
I came across this message but I couldn't find who asked the question. Was this a reply to someone who was researching Jane Pritchard?
PRITCHARD Jane of Coleford - marriage 1896 - Perth, WA
by Don Cameron , Sunday, January 04, 2009, 03:14 (5904 days ago) @ dtyler
In reply, no. I was just reading old newspaper articles etc., which had some relation of connexion with the Forest of Dean area.
Don Cameron.
Don Cameron
PRITCHARD Jane of Coleford - marriage 1896 - Perth, WA
by dtyler, Sunday, January 04, 2009, 03:25 (5904 days ago) @ Don Cameron
Hello Don
That's OK. It's just that I was researching Jane Pritchard myself because she was the daughter of Thomas Pritchard who married Lucy Tyler (a great aunt) after Thomas was widowed and I thought that someone else may have been researching her family as well. You have provided me with a date for the marriage which I didn't have before. Thank you very much.
Debra Tyler
PRITCHARD Jane of Coleford - marriage 1896 - Perth, WA
by Don Cameron , Sunday, January 04, 2009, 06:57 (5904 days ago) @ dtyler
Hello Debra,
I'm pleased that this post was useful to you. I'm always on the look-out for "strays" - it gives me a great deal of satisfaction in "bringing them home" especially when they find a living relative, like yourself, waiting to welcome them home - who knows - one day someone will find and post a few of my "missing" relatives!
Don Cameron
PRITCHARD Jane of Coleford - marriage 1896 - Perth, WA
by rookancestrybest , United Kingdom, Saturday, April 25, 2009, 11:47 (5792 days ago) @ Don Cameron
I might be related. I am related to both Pritchards and Tylers (through the Rook family) all lived around the Coleford area. There was another Jane Pritchard born 1830 who was the daughter of James Pritchard who was the first cousin of Arthur William Pritchard who married Mary Theresa Rook(e). Arthur was a stone quarryman if that's any help. The Rook family is connected with the Tylor family through the marriage between John Tylor (born 1849) and Maria Rook born May 31st 1852 or 1853. The Tylors are related to a family called Gunter. Any connection? John Tylor's father's name is James Tyler (spellings of surname differ).
PRITCHARD Jane of Coleford - marriage 1896 - Perth, WA
by dt1966 , Waroona, Western Australia, Thursday, September 24, 2009, 09:15 (5641 days ago) @ rookancestrybest
Hi there
I haven't come across the Rook family in my Tyler/Pritchard family research. My John Tyler was born in 1851 in Coleford to parents William and Frances Tyler. He married Harriet Sarah Hoare in 1881 and they lived in Swindon for the rest of their married life. If you can find a link, I would be interested.
PRITCHARD Jane of Coleford - marriage 1896 - Perth, WA
by rookancestrybest , United Kingdom, Friday, September 25, 2009, 20:50 (5639 days ago) @ dtyler
I asked the question because I have both Tylers and Pritchards in my family. There is probably a connection but haven't found a direct one yet.
My first cousin three times removed (!) (i.e. the daughter of both my great-great, great grandmother (Elizabeth Prosser),(on one side)(to her second marriage) and my great, great, great, uncle on another side of my family, Joseph Rook being the husband. My great-great grandmother (Eliza Agnes Prosser daughter of Elizabeth Prosser to an earlier marriage) marrying the brother of my great, great, great,uncle [Joseph Rooke], my great, great grandfather (Thomas Rook), and being his, the great great great uncle's, step-daughter. Sorry it sounds more complicated than it is.
But to summarise, Mary Teresa Rook(e) (born 1844/5 in West Dean) married Arthur William Pritchard (born about 1847 in Monmouth, stone quarry man). Her first cousin, Maria Rook(e)(born 31/5/1852 in Gloucester),being married to John Tyler (born in West Dean). The latter was a collier living in Lane End Coleford and son of James and Helen or Ellen.
PRITCHARD Jane of Coleford - marriage 1896 - Perth, WA
by rookancestrybest , United Kingdom, Monday, April 27, 2009, 11:17 (5790 days ago) @ Don Cameron
Do you know why Jane Pritchard decided to move to live in Australia? Did other relatives move there too? I have seen in the Emigration Section of this website when she went and that it was a while before she married Henry Priesthouse so I wondered if she went to do a specific job?
PRITCHARD Jane of Coleford - marriage 1896 - Perth, WA
by dt1966 , Waroona, Western Australia, Thursday, September 24, 2009, 09:31 (5641 days ago) @ rookancestrybest
Hello there
As far as I have been able to find out, Jane did not have a known reason for travelling to Western Australia, other than her Step uncle Richard Henry Tyler was already in Fremantle having arrived in the mid 1890's, and Jane travelled to Fremantle with her step aunt Catherine Porter and husband John William Porter in 1892. Maybe she was searching for a new life in a new country.
Jane's father was Thomas Pritchard and mother Elizabeth Edwards. Jane married Henry Priesthouse in Fremantle Western Australia and they had three children. Of those three children, 1 daughter died in infancy, 1 son married but never had children and 1 daughter married and had 2 daughters of her own. I do have a contact of one of the grand daughters and have written a letter requesteing more information, but have not had a response. It's a shame, I'd really like to conclude my chapter on Jane.