The JONES Connection (1871 confirmation) (General)

by sksieski, Friday, December 05, 2008, 09:00 (5932 days ago) @ hert0036

HI Hert0036,

I am new to this website, and have been trawling through the forum and found this link.

Mark Gifford is my great great Grandfather on my mothers side.. my grand mother was Ida May Gifford Born 1905 - her father was George Jonie(jones) gifford whose mother and father was Mark & Harriet. Afetr Harriet died Mark remarried a lady called Phoebe Morse.

I have a Gifford Family tree on the Ancestry website under Gifford tree...

I was lucky enough to hook up with a lady called Janet Rigby who is related to Phoebe Morse through her Great grandmother Damaris.. She had traced the Gifford Family tree back to 1605...

I have put in as much as i can into my family tree in Ancestry...

The unfortunate thing I have found is that the familys were large and they had children of the same name and they named their children the same names and some of them were born within months of each other....

Please take a look at my family tree..

If you have nay news on the giffords, I know my mum & Aunt would love to know.

Look forward to hearing from you


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