Seasons Greetings 2008 (General)
by slowhands , proud of his ancient Dean Forest roots, Monday, December 22, 2008, 21:18 (5916 days ago)
Once again another year draws to a close....
....... remembering those who went before us.
As we reflect on our own recent past, may I wish all who use this site whatever this time of year signifies to you, a Merry Christmas and Peaceful New Year.
Ἀριστοτέλης A Gloster & Hereford Boy in the Forest of Dean ><((((*>
Seasons Greetings 2008
by Roughyedbach , Oldham, Lancashire, Monday, December 22, 2008, 21:40 (5916 days ago) @ slowhands
Seasons greetings from a 'relative' new kid on the block.
My thanks for all your kind help with my research, especially
the amazing Mr Slowhands. Hope you all enjoy a happy and healthy 2009.
Mere Kirihimete from New Zealand
by kiwiceltic , New Zealand, Monday, December 22, 2008, 23:35 (5916 days ago) @ slowhands
I wish you all a safe and enjoyable festive season. Many thanks goes to so many special people on here who have helped me in my search for my roots in The Forest of Dean, without this site I would not of found Ivan, Cherryl, Barbara, Catherine, Richard, David R and David H. I have found my roots I am blessed with family still in The Forest of Dean and beyond The UK's shores what a great Christmas present anyone could ask for and it is because of this wonderful site. Nga mihi o te Kirhimete me te Tau Hou from New Zealand Seasons greetings for Christmas and the New Year from New Zealand. Be safe Be Strong Stand Tall Be Proud of Who you came from and were One people One Earth
Greetings 2008
by selbyfamily , Monday, December 22, 2008, 23:49 (5916 days ago) @ slowhands
I would also like to send Christmas greetings to everyone who has helped in my research of my husband's family in the Forest, especially Vicki in Australia who has told us all about the Selby/James family who emigrated there in 1855 aboard the 'Startled Fawn'. It has been a wonderful journey ending in an almost complete family history with just a few bits to fill in.
Although there doesn't seem much more to find, I continue to look at the site most days as there are so many interesting things to read. Does Slowhands spend all day at his books and on his computer as he seems to know everything?!!
Once again, Merry Christmas from Bristol.
Greetings 2008
by Barbara Lloyd , Tuesday, December 23, 2008, 07:58 (5916 days ago) @ selbyfamily
I send the same sentiments to all and in particular the relatives and good friends made through this site. Still more to come next year.
Barbara_Lloyd (Hewlett, Vaughan, Nicholas families).
Seasons Greetings 2008
by Barbara B , Tuesday, December 23, 2008, 09:35 (5916 days ago) @ slowhands
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to all at FOD Family History.
Many thanks to slowhands and all the other kind folks who have helped me with my research with the Brain and Davis familys of Bream and Pillowell. Hope it wont be to long befor I make a visit back to my roots.
Best wishes from (a not so sunny) Cornwall
Barbara B
Seasons Greetings 2008
by alison2 , Tuesday, December 23, 2008, 12:21 (5916 days ago) @ Barbara B
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you all. I would like to thank everyone who has helped me over the last year, which has enabled me to make a lot of Progress with my Tree. This is a Fantastic Web Site and I look forward to continuing my Research next year.
Alison (Williams/Leech/Jenkins/Jones Families)
Seasons Greetings 2008
by ChrisW , Tuesday, December 23, 2008, 13:26 (5916 days ago) @ slowhands
Ditto from me! Lots more detective work to look forward to next year.
I have found family in Australia, and made friends around the world through family history research.
This is the best hobby in the universe!
Have a good one gang!
Seasons Greetings 2008
by tonyjenkins , Tuesday, December 23, 2008, 21:35 (5915 days ago) @ ChrisW
I wish everyone a Happy Christmas and a good New Year.
Without the help of you all I likewise would be struggling to grow my tree.
"Have a Gudden auld butts"
Tony Jenkins.
Seasons Greetings 2008
by Simone , Wednesday, December 24, 2008, 02:05 (5915 days ago) @ tonyjenkins
Likewise, everyone:) Merry Christmas and all the best for 2009!
Simone x
Merry Xmas
by Ian Jackson, Tuesday, December 23, 2008, 18:40 (5915 days ago) @ slowhands
To all the Jacksons and Apperleys.
Look for me August 2009, I'm coming "home".
Many thanks to Slowhands, you are a whiz.
And to all extended family a wonderful Xmas from down under NZ.
Best wishes
Ian and Chrissy Jackson
Merry Xmas
by sylviamorgan , Wednesday, December 24, 2008, 02:31 (5915 days ago) @ Ian Jackson
Merry Christmas and a good new year to everyone and thanks to all those who have helped me with my research
Seasons Greetings 2008
by ellieperry , Wednesday, December 24, 2008, 02:39 (5915 days ago) @ slowhands
Can you believe it? I just found out what perry was. Bless those little pears and........
Perry Christmas everyone! It looks like it's going to be a white one in Seattle.
Many, many thanks to the Gloster Boy in Wales and Tony S.for helping me with the THOMAS/MADDOX/BOURNE/AMBREY puzzle.
Looking foward to 2009.
Seasons Greetings 2008
by hawdon , Alcossebre Spain, Wednesday, December 24, 2008, 06:40 (5915 days ago) @ ellieperry
Feliz Navidad y Bueno Año Nuevo
Thanks to this site I have found cousins in NZ (Inc Kiwiceltic) Australia and other far flung places.
Keep up the good work.
From a Forest boy in Spain. Dave.
Seasons Greetings 2008
by essie , South East Wales, Wednesday, December 24, 2008, 10:24 (5915 days ago) @ hawdon
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to all and a very big thank you for all the help over the past year. This is a great site, wish there were more like it especially in the Devonshire area.
Best wishes
Seasons Greetings 2008
by Lincolnian , Lincoln England, Wednesday, December 24, 2008, 10:37 (5915 days ago) @ slowhands
A very merry Christmas & a good New-year to all
Seasons Greetings 2008
by HarryBrook , Wednesday, December 24, 2008, 11:31 (5915 days ago) @ Lincolnian
A Happy Christmas and Peaceful New Year to all you friendly Forum members and especially to "admin", who makes it all work, and all the volunteers who transcribe the Parish Records that make this such a useful website. I raise my glass to you all!
Seasons Greetings 2008
by Philippa, Friday, December 26, 2008, 10:48 (5913 days ago) @ HarryBrook
Season Greetings to an amazing bunch of people who are always willing and keen to help - thank you as well!
Philippa xx
Seasons Greetings 2008
by llangrove, Sunday, December 28, 2008, 14:17 (5910 days ago) @ Philippa
I'd like to wish all the best to those who "gather" here, and a healthy and Happy New Year!!! To those of you who have helped me, I am truly grateful.
A special thanks goes to, David Watkins and "Slowhands"! You are all a wonderful and generous group of people! I wish you great success in your searches!
Peace be with you,
Cynthia Hawkins Wood
Pennsylvania U.S.A.