Mere Kirihimete from New Zealand (General)

by kiwiceltic @, New Zealand, Monday, December 22, 2008, 23:35 (5916 days ago) @ slowhands

I wish you all a safe and enjoyable festive season. Many thanks goes to so many special people on here who have helped me in my search for my roots in The Forest of Dean, without this site I would not of found Ivan, Cherryl, Barbara, Catherine, Richard, David R and David H. I have found my roots I am blessed with family still in The Forest of Dean and beyond The UK's shores what a great Christmas present anyone could ask for and it is because of this wonderful site. Nga mihi o te Kirhimete me te Tau Hou from New Zealand Seasons greetings for Christmas and the New Year from New Zealand. Be safe Be Strong Stand Tall Be Proud of Who you came from and were One people One Earth

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