Can some kind soul find a birth reference for Sannabia? Phipps. She was born in 1843 in West Dean the daughter of George and Charlotte Phipps.
1851 census she is Sannalya born Whitecroft
1861 census she is Sannabia, a schoolmistress in Pillowell
1871 census she is Sannabria Mortimore
1881 census she is Lanabin Mortimor
1891 census she is Sannabea Curnosh
1901 census she is Lannabia Cornock.
Any help would be greatly appreciated!!
Sabina Phipps b1843
by ChrisW , Tuesday, January 13, 2009, 02:33 (5896 days ago) @ AnneRafferty
That's a good one one isn't it?
This first marriage on this site:
Record_ID: 13760
Entry_Number: 289
Year: 1862
Month: Sep
Day: 14
Grooms_Surname: MORTIMORE
Grooms_Forenames: James
Grooms_Age: 29
Groom_Condition: Bachelor
Grooms_Occupation: engine driver
Grooms_Residence: Newnham
Grooms_Fathers_Surname: Mortimore
Grooms_Fathers_Forenames: William
Grooms_Fathers_Occupation: labourer
Brides_Surname: PHIPPS
Brides_Forenames: Sennabia
Brides_Age: 20
Brides_Condition: Spinster
Brides_Residence: Newnham
Brides_Fathers_Surname: Phipps
Brides_Fathers_Forenames: George
Brides_Fathers_Occupation: engine driver
Licence_or_Banns: Banns
Signature_or_Mark: both sign
Witness_1: Charles James
Witness_2: Mary Ann James
Officiating_Minister: E. C. Brice perp. curate
Event: Marriage
Notes: bride signs Sannabia
Register_Reference: P228 IN 1/13
Page_Number: 145
Parish_Chapel: Newnham
Soundex_Groom: M635
Soundex_Bride: P120
This is more sensible! A good old biblical name on FreeBMD:
Births Jun 1843
PHIPPS Sabina Westbury on Severn 11 477
Sannabia / Sennabiah PHIPPS 1843 Whitecroft
by slowhands , proud of his ancient Dean Forest roots, Tuesday, January 13, 2009, 12:02 (5895 days ago) @ AnneRafferty
certainly looks like a Sannabia in the census images- they are a Methodist family perhaps this is why the 1843 entry in Monmouth BMD ( for Whitecroft) is elusive.
In 1891 there are two Sannabia's one on Glos, one in Yorks, both born Whitecroft !
this looks like her second marriage
Name: Sennabiah Mortimore
Year of Registration: 1887
Quarter of Registration: Apr-May-Jun
District: Monmouth (1837-1939)
County: Gloucestershire, Herefordshire, Monmouthshire
Volume: 11a
Page: 64
first marriage mentioned before :-
Name: Sennabia Phipps
Year of Registration: 1862
Quarter of Registration: Jul-Aug-Sep
District: Westbury On Severn
County: Gloucestershire
Volume: 6a
Page: 379
another example (marriage)
Name:Francess Sannabia Cook
Year of Registration: 1881
Quarter of Registration: Apr-May-Jun
District: Monmouth (1837-1939)
County: Gloucestershire, Herefordshire, Monmouthshire
Volume: 11a
Page: 50
links to PHIPPS and MORSE etc
Name: Eva Eugenia R Cornock
Year of Registration: 1889
Quarter of Registration: Apr-May-Jun
District: Monmouth (1837-1939)
County: Gloucestershire, Herefordshire, Monmouthshire
Volume: 11a
Page: 20
Edwin Curnosh abt 1855 West Dean, Gloucestershire, England Head West Dean, Gloucestershire
Sannabea Curnosh abt 1844 West Dean, Gloucestershire, England Wife West Dean, Gloucestershire
Eva Curnosh abt 1889 Daughter West Dean, Gloucestershire
Blanch Kate Mortimore abt 1881 West Dean, Gloucestershire, England Stepdaughter West Dean, Gloucestershire
Percival Mortimore abt 1878 West Dean, Gloucestershire, England Stepson West Dean, Gloucestershire
George Mortimore abt 1874 West Dean, Gloucestershire, England Lodger West Dean, Gloucestershire
1901 nr Bailey In Yorkley
Edwin Cornock abt 1857 Newland Parish, Gloucestershire, England Head West Dean, Monmouthshire
Lannabia Cornock abt 1845 West Dean, Gloucestershire, England Wife West Dean, Monmouthshire
Eva E R Cornock abt 1889 West Dean, Gloucestershire, England Daughter West Dean, Monmouthshire
Blanche K Mortimore abt 1878 West Dean, Gloucestershire, England Stepdaughter West Dean, Monmouthshire
Percival A Mortimore abt 1881 West Dean, Gloucestershire, England Stepson West Dean, Monmouthshire
Ἀριστοτέλης A Gloster & Hereford Boy in the Forest of Dean ><((((*>
Sannabia / Sennabiah PHIPPS 1843 Whitecroft
by AnneRafferty , Wednesday, January 14, 2009, 03:18 (5895 days ago) @ slowhands
Thanks to you both for your replies. I'd spotted the Sabina birth on FreeBMD but still not sure about that one. I didn't know she existed until I found her on the censuses last week. Her youngest brother Elijah William Phipps is my GGrandfather and I do know he was baptised as a Methodist.Its a shame he's not around to ask!
Regards, Anne
Sannabia / Sennabiah PHIPPS 1843 Whitecroft
by AnneRafferty , Sunday, January 18, 2009, 00:49 (5891 days ago) @ slowhands
Hi Slowhands
You found the marriage of Sannabia Cook to Henry Taylor in Monmouth Jun q 1881. They moved to Castleford, Yorkshire and that is the Sannabia on the 1891 census. I have since found out that there is a connection between the 2 Sannabia's.
Sannabia Phipps/Mortimore/Cornock was the daughter of Charlotte Phipps (nee Kear) The other Sannabia is the daughter of Charlotte's sister Ophelia.
I have also found out that Sannabia's daughter Annie Mortimore was a witness to my Great Grandfather Elijah's marriage.
Alas, still searching for Sannabia Phipps/Mortimore/Cornock birth and death records.
If I was able to visit the Forest of Dean, where might I look for records bearing in mind that she was born in Whitecroft?
Another KEAR !!
by slowhands , proud of his ancient Dean Forest roots, Sunday, January 18, 2009, 01:49 (5891 days ago) @ AnneRafferty
another spelling but "has to be" related :-)
Name: Sannabis Kear
Year of Registration: 1909
Quarter of Registration: Apr-May-Jun
District: Pontefract
County: Yorkshire - West Riding, West Yorkshire
Volume: 9c
Page: 187
Possible spouse
Charles Marshall
<Robert Beards>
Ἀριστοτέλης A Gloster & Hereford Boy in the Forest of Dean ><((((*>
Another KEAR !!
by AnneRafferty , Sunday, January 18, 2009, 02:54 (5891 days ago) @ slowhands
Hi Slowhands
I have found a Sannabia Kear born 1885 in Castleford. Her parents were Caleb Kear born 1845 Whitecroft and Mary Ann James born 1849 West Dean. In the 1891 census Caleb was running a beerhouse in Castleford and with him, among others, were his mother Edith and daughter Sannabia (Ancestry has transcribed it as Sana Cora!) Edith is yet another of Charlotte's sisters born abt 1823.
I'd not found Sannabia's marriage before...wonder which one she married!
Surely there can't be any more Sannabia's?!
Another KEAR !!
by slowhands , proud of his ancient Dean Forest roots, Sunday, January 18, 2009, 03:04 (5891 days ago) @ AnneRafferty
Caleb KEAR prior thread
It was Charles Marshall - I have found offspring for Beards / Beighton...
Ἀριστοτέλης A Gloster & Hereford Boy in the Forest of Dean ><((((*>
Another KEAR !!
by AnneRafferty , Sunday, January 18, 2009, 04:02 (5891 days ago) @ slowhands
Thanks for that Slowhands. There's plenty for me on that link to get to grips with. So Sannabia married Charles Marshall.... I wonder if the Sannabia name will keep going.
Another KEAR !!
by billcs777, Saturday, June 06, 2009, 15:55 (5751 days ago) @ slowhands
Yes, Sanna Kear b. 1885 was indeed the wife of Charles Marshall. Sanna and her sisters Mary Ann (Annie)and Frances emigrated to Toronto, Canada in the early 1900's, probably after the death of father Caleb in 1912. They were aunts of my grandmother Annie, who came to Canada in 1927 with one of them (Frances, I think) on a boat to Halifax. Sanna died in 1962, Frances in 1958, and Mary Ann (Annie) in 1978.